Chapter 76- The Finale.

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Chapter 76- The Finale.

-Katy's POV-

It's been six months, and he still hasn't shown any improvement. Six months is such a long time, and I'm starting to lose hope. Can a person go on a coma for that long. Everyday I come in and out of the hospital, I get the same thing. He's in deep sleep. And I don't if he'll ever wake up. I've cancelled my tour to take care of him because, he needs me the most. I promise myself that when he wakes up, I won't ever lose him again. I don't care if he tries to push me away because of what I did, I'm still not giving up on him. He fought for me a lot of times, and never gave up, and I have to do exactly as what he did. He never gave up on me.

I was left alone inside his quiet, cold room. I did the ususal staring, hoping that he would wake up any second now. That's what I want the most right now. Is to see his eyes open. I need that, and I'll be happy. But I get the same reaction, which is nothing. Although, at least he's breathing. There's that beeping sound that I've been hearing for about seven months now. Which is good to hear, because that means that he's still fighting his way through this.

I held his hand, like usual, and pressed it against my cheek. I closed my eyes, and wished for the best. He has been in and out of the hospital lots of time, I'm sure he can fight this huge one. Going in a coma they say for this long is not a good outcome. They said that person might as well let go, and give up like the others. Well, I realized that he's not like the others. He's my Ethan, and he will get through this. The worst possible scenario is when he wakes up, he'll try and push me away. I rather have him doing that to me, than seeing him like this. At least he's awake. And that's all I want to see right now.

Sometimes, there's a time when I start to lose hope. But then I remembered our promises to one another, and that kept me going. My mom used to say that when a person loses hope, usually they don't literally lose hope. It's their mind saying that you're done with hope. A person is never really done with hope. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. I just realized that I quoted The Hunger Games.

Eventhough this whole thing is a mess, I still have Angela, David, and Tamara here with me. And in about a week Callie will arrive from Paris, and about 3 days from that Antonio will come. His aunt has been also coming in and out. She isn't mostly here because she's busy with the company.

"Do you think he'll be fine?" I asked the both of them, "I mean it's been six months Ange, since the last time he spoke."

She paused for a little while. I'm guessing that she's thinking of the right thing to say to me. Ever since this whole thing happened, they've been looking out for me, and doing their very best to try to make me happy. And I appreciate it.

"I don't know Kate, but all we can do right now is to hope." Angela said, and she rubbed my back.

"He's one tough guy. He will get through this." Tam added, with laughters. Good thing I have them by my side. I don't know what to do without them.

I glance at him deeply, until he started shaking. His body was trembling hard, and his heartbeat is increasing rapidly.

"Ethan, babe are you okay?" I asked, as I was really frightened. I was in full of panic, and I don't know what to do, "what's going on with him Ange?"

"I think he's having a seizure. Tam call the doctor before it gets worse." Angela said, as I notice her voice shakes.

I cried, and cried. I was holding his hand tightly, hoping that it'll stop, and I'll be his medicine.

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