Chapter 4: Stay With Me

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Chapter 4: Stay With Me

***Ethan's POV***

The sirens have awoken me from my nap. My arm is still aching; nothing have changed. The vehicle is still moving fast as I remember last time I was awake. As I scan my surroundings, looking for water; I found nothing. My thirst is killing me. This is the worst.

My aching arm is not helping; and so is the thirst. Then the vehicle stop. The two door opens.

"Can you get up?" the guy asked.

"Yeah, I think I can manage."

I help myself up with a lot forcing and energy. I can't feel anything from my left arm; it's numb. I tried moving it a bunch of times but it hurts even more. Taking step by step at the stairs it's not making it any better. I feel tired and exhausted. There's only two things I'm craving for: water and rest. Is that too much to ask.

"Why don't you take a seat here, the doctor will be here any minute." He says, then he walks somewhere else.

It's not like I have any choice. I literally can't feel anything on my left arm. I've been pressing my left arm for the past minute to get the feeling back, but it still won't come back.

"Are you Anderson, Ethan?" The doctor asked.


"It says here you fell four feet high, is that correct?"


"Can you feel anything right now?"

"Numb and mostly exhaustion." I smirk.

"Come with me, let's take a look at it at my room."

He assist me to where his room is. It didn't take much walking; it's only a few doors away from the stairs.

"I want you to sit down right here." He demands.

I take a seat next to the x ray monitor.

"Now I want you to lift your left arm if you can."

"Lift it?"


I lift my arm. On the way to the top of lifting my left arm, it fell down by itself.

"I can't lift it up."

"That's alright, this is just a test. Now put your left arm right inside that tube and don't move."

I move my left arm slowly and gently inside the tube. As I look back at him, he's examining his computer screen. A light went over the tube examining my left arm. It takes about two minutes till it's done examining my left arm. I remove my arm away from the tube; settling it on my lap.

"Is it broken?"

"Surprisingly, no; that's a miracle. Falling four feet high is dangerous especially falling on to the ground;hard."

"It's just badly hurt."

"Precisely; but you have to wear a cast for about few weeks, then you'll be alright."


"You have to stay here overnight, your left arm needs to get injected so it wouldn't affect any parts of your blood vessels."

"I got it."

"Follow me, I'll lead you to your room."

I gave him a nod; looking like I haven't had any rest for months. Taking a couple of steps till we finally made it to the room.

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