Chapter 53- Fever and Shady Feelings.

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Chapter 53- Fever and Shady Feelings.

A/N; You will be noted later when to play the song on top, so pay attention to it bb's.

***Katy's POV***

I had a nice sleep, until Ethan's constant snoring woke me up. It's funny how I never knew he can snore like this. After waking up because of the annoying sound of my alarm, I got up, and walk inside the bathroom to freshen myself up. Moments later, after my morning routine, which I think took about half an hour he's still sleeping. He looks so adorable when he sleeps.

Okay, I just realized that this is weird. Watching someone sleep. I just shot him a smile, and rubs his head.

"Wake up, Ethan!" I chuckled, ticking him on the stomach.

He groaned, and piled a big pillow on top of his head.

"Come on Ethan, you have to wake up." I pulled the pillow out of his head.

"I don't want to wake up." He mumbles. "I'm way too tired."

His laziness is actually making me laugh for some reason.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said. "Just a bit dizzy that's all."

I pulled his hand; feeling that it's unusually hot. He fell back down to bed, while his eyes are still closed. I placed my hand on to his forehead, feeling that it's really hot. This is not right. Usually when someone is this hot; they crazily have a high fever. In his case he has one.

"Ethan? you're unusually warm." I started, with a worry. "Are you sure you're okay?"

But he didn't answer. As I titled his whole body; his whole face is red, and he's sweating rapidly.

"I can't breathe Katy." He opens his eyes, and panics. "I can't----bree----I can---I can't........breathe.." He stutters, trying to get ahold of his chest.

His whole look and situation is making me worry really bad.

"Stay still." I said. "I'll call the front desk for an ambulance to go here." I tell him, pulling out my phone, and pressing the number while my fingers trembles.

As I bite my thumb nail, I'm still waiting for them to pick the phone up. Until, seconds later they finally answers.

"Hey! uhm..... We'd like to send an ambulance up here, because my boyfriend can't breathe fine, and he's sweating crazy, his temperature is getting hotter, and please-please send help fast."

"Don't worry m'am we will send help fast; immediately. Just tell us your room number?"

"Room 1125C." I said, with still fear within my voice.

"They'll be up there momentarily."

"Thank you." I said, and ended the call.

I quickly turned to him; seeing that he's in agony. It's hard watching him like this. His face is turning red by the second. This is not good.

"Just hold on Ethan." I tell him. "They'll be here soon." I get ahold of his hand, feeling that it's hotter than a normal temperature. It's like holding a warm mug after putting it inside the microwave for 3 minutes.

He nodded. I can see him trying to control the pain as he can, but he seems to be failing. Moments later, someone knocks at the door.

I quickly rushed towards the door; hoping that it's them. As I opened it; it's Shannon and Angela.

"Hey, you're awake." Shannon started. "Finally, it didn't take about 10 times to hit the snooze button." She snickered.

"Not now Shannon." I turned around and closed the door. "I'm not in the mood."

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