Chapter 57- Waited.

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Chapter 57- Waited.

***Katy's POV***

I moaned from the tapping sun-light against my face, wondered how long I've been sleeping. I blinked, shut my eyes, blinked again. I yawned, and managed to fully open both eyes. The alarm goes off, and I roll over to put it on snooze. I roll over on my back and stretch. I then went back to sleep, with still wrapping my hands around his. I looked up; seeing that he's well asleep. A smile flared up on my face. Like always.

I allow myself 3 snoozes and then I have to get up. But, I well know myself that it doesn't usually go as plan. I just love sleeping.

The next thing I know is that, I rolled over feeling comfortable, but there's definitely something different. As I get the feeling of the bed being open spaces, that's when I know he has woken up before me.

My eyes flashed open, and I gasped for air. I sat up slowly, stretching my stiff muscles, and the big yawn that I've been waiting for. I scan the room, looking for him; wondering where he is.

"Hey beautiful." He said. I turned around seeing him with a tray of breakfast coming my way. "You're awake, and that's good cause I have good plans for us today, so eat up." He playfully strokes my hair.

I smiled, while moving the tray closer to me. As I look at the food, the waffles has already cut into pieces and ready to be eaten. I picked up the fork, and slightly stab it onto the waffles.

"Since when did you wake up?" I asked, while gobbling the good ole' waffles.

"Like half an hour ago." He smiled, showing his cute dimples.

As I'm eating, I keep catching him giving me smiling glances. Of course I like it, but at the same time it feels like my cheeks are on fire.

"Why are you staring at me?" I chuckled.

He paused, and gaze his eyes at me.

"Cause you're beautiful." He smiled, and cupped my chin. "And I love you. Now, go eat up while I go take a shower okay?"

"Okay." I giggled.

Right after he left, I continuously eat up my food. As I do so, my phone suddenly buzzes by the side desk where I put it at last time. I pulled it, and stared at the screen.

A message from Angela.

Record session 3:30pm sharp, and Rehearsal session 6:30pm. Today. Be here at the exact given time. Don't be late.


I texted back.

No problem, I'll be there.


I put my phone back to its original place, and placed the tray aside the round circular table. After, eating; I pushed my back against the fluffiness of the bed, feeling the cool temperature, and the sweet smell of new sheets. I stretched out my muscles, while giving myself a big yawn.

I groaned, and rolled a couple of times. I pilled myself up with two pillows, while grunting a couple of times. I can feel the pillow already suffocating the air out of me, and it's not a pleasant feeling. I threw both pillows to the side, and glance up the ceiling.

I don't know how long I was staring up there, but seconds late, Ethan comes out shirtless, still a bit soaking wet. He then grabs a blue v-neck shirt, and puts it on. He turns to me, and smiled.

"You know, you look insanely beautiful in my blue polo." He smiled, and moves closer to me. "You should wear it more often beautiful." He cupped my chin, pulling me in for a kiss. I slowly shut my eyes, and just get myself lost in the kiss. And I was completely lost. I was totally in it.

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