Chapter 58- Wounded Hearts.

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A/N; I'm going to apologize in advance that this chapter is really short, and probably will only take like three minutes to read it. Maybe even less. I'm sorry for a short chapter. I'll make sure that the next one will probably be longer than this. Once again I'm sorry.

Chapter 58- Wounded Hearts.

***Katy's POV***

I glance back at the plane window staring deeply towards the clouds's darkness. Everyone is asleep, but me. How could I sleep in the first place?

I feel the ripping of my heart. Loss of will to live. Sadness, feels like I can never be whole again. Loss of breath. Empty feeling inside, no happiness can be found nor anger. The feeling of being stabbed in the chest with a dagger, each painful memory cuts deeper than the last. The removal of my heart, a hole in my chest with a few follow thuds every so often.

Heaviness sheer agony. The death of my insides. No happiness inside of me, the pain sucks out the life in me.

I feel tears running down my cheeks. My breath was ripped from my lungs and the air was thick as I gasped. I felt crowed in my skin and sweat followed by cold chills plagued me. My eyes anguish as tears streamed my cheeks it tickled and itched as they dried. My stomach felt as though it was tied in knots and pangs of shuddering wracked my body.

A pressure built in my chest, and my heart felt as though it would burst with emotion. I wept so much, my head began to hurt. Until, sleepy finally came and took pity upon my wretched soul. Such was my torment.

Within my eyes closing, the pain still exist inside of me. It can't be undone so easily, when every bits of pieces are still well intact. That's when I know for sure that this is going to be one conflicted time of my life.

The next thing I know, I find myself waking up, with my eyes red as though has been punch numerous of times. I can still feel the pain dilating inside, which can soon overcome my whole body, and can lead me to shut down.

This is probably the hardest thing I've ever come across to. I lost myself at trying to heal myself this past months, that I never thought that my heart is wounded. I haven't stop thinking about him ever since that day, and I still hold on to the that letter. I've stared at it a bunch of times, re-reading it, realizing that I just lost the most important person in my life, and I couldn't deal with the fact that we weren't able to hold on to each other.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, leading me to stare at my lock screen. It's an adorable picture of Ethan and I fooling around as always. Brings back a lot of memories. I wonder how's he's doing today. It's been months since the last time we talked, and it wasn't good.

I could really use a warm, and tight hug from him. I want to. But, having to think that it's been this long since our break up, I have to let go, and heal. It's the only way I can only be happy again without him.

This is so painful. I can't imagine life without him. I got so used to seeing him, and our daily routine that whenever I don't get to do our normal routine; it hurts. So much.

"Katy, you okay?" Angela asked, while giving me a pat on the back.

I wiped my tears that flowing down my cheek, and I faced her. "Yeah, absolutely. I'm fine. Actually I'm great." I smiled, trying to put up with the pain, and not wanting any sympathy from her. I just want to handle this alone.

"No you're not." She smiled. "I know you Katy. Your eyes is so red, which explains that you're not fine. Do you want to talk about it?"

"That's the last thing I wanted to do." I put my hand into a fist, and wiped down my tears.

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