Chapter 14: Concert #3/New England

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Chapter 14: Concert #3/New England

***Ethan's POV***

Next stop; New Zealand. It somehow makes me feel excited coming. I just can't wait for some reason. After the concert yesterday, we're all off to the plane, and to New Zealand. We're a day behind on our schedule, because of Tokyo, Japan.

On our way to New Zealand, we're all exhausted that everyone fell asleep but me. I'm just by the side of the plane staring at the window, listening to music. Katy fell asleep next to me, which is awesome, and I couldn't ask for better things than this.

As I stare outside the window, there I am again thinking about things. Like the time when my dad died. Like I said, I've been blaming myself ever since. No matter how many times I try to forget; I just can't.

I shake the memory out of my head, and just think about her. Katy. Just getting a thought of her, heals my head. It feels very calming. As I look at her to my right, she's well rested. I smile. I move my blanket onto hers to keep her warm.

It's kind of dark inside the plane. For some reason, I can't sleep. It's not because of my dad, or the work, and even Katy. I just can't sleep for some reason. I just then, instead read a book. It always puts me to sleep later on. So I did. I start reading the book called The Maze Runner. It's an awesome book so far. It's Sci-Fi.

After half an hour later, I still feel nothing. I close the book and put it aside. As I turn my back, I'm now staring at the side wall of the plane. Closest to the window. All I see by the window is nothing but dark clouds. As time went on, I start to feel a little bit woozy. Finally.

There, I close my eyes. As I open my eyes, I see Mr. Chamberlin in front of me; somewhere. I don't know where I am. At first I was in the airplane, and the next thing I know I'm by the beach somewhere. This has to be a dream.

"Sir, remember what I said to you?" He ask.

"What is it?" My voice echoes.

I knew it! This is a dream. I might as well stay.

"Don't give up on her, I can already see the future for the both of you." He smiles, while patting my back.

It's those words again. Those words that he told me, back at New Mexico. The words that I'll never forget.

"How come you always know what to say to me?"

"You're a very wiseman Mr. Anderson, I can see deep inside your eyes that you really love her."

I smile and nod.

"Just don't forget, don't give up on her." The voice echoes.

The next thing I know, I went back to reality. I have woken up. It's morning. As I check my watch it's 6:30am. They're still all asleep. Are they that tired. There's no way I'll ever go back to sleep. So, in the mean time, I just sketch on my sketchbook.

About an hour later, someone finally wakes up. It's Katy.

"Hey, sleepy head, good morning." I smirk.

"Hey, since when did you wake up?" She asked, rubbing both her eyes.

"Like an hour ago." I smile. "If you're hungry, there's food by the counter right there." I tell her.

She fixes her position and she yawns.

***Katy's POV***

As I fix my position; sitting down, I yawned.

"What are you working on?" I ask.

"Just sketches."

As I look over his work, I see myself sleeping. I feel surprised that he sketched me while I was sleeping.

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