Chapter 68- It's Time.

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Chapter 68- It's Time.

***Katy's POV***

7 more days. 7 more days until I have to proceed with what I have to do. After me recent break down, he's been nothing but a help. He's always there for me, and I couldn't help but to accept him in. He was keeping his promise really strong.

I was still able to show a smile, because of him. Even though I know this moment won't last long. He never fails to make me laugh. But, there's still a time when I stopped and think the worst. I keep thinking if there's another way around. But there really wasn't.

Dean has been popping everywhere lately, and it's not a pleasant sight. Every time I see him, I feel anger. Nothing but anger. Not pain, but anger.

I've told Angela everything, and she wasn't able to process either.

"Angela, what am I supposed to do?" I asked, crouching down the ground across from her, "I only have 7 days."

"Katy, I really don't know. But how are you certain that he's safe?"

"I just know he will be after I do what I have to do." I sniffled, and wiped tears flowing down my cheek, "and the hardest thing about this situation is how oblivious he is. He's still there for me, keeping his promise, but I'm over here planning to break up with him."

She pulled me in for hug. She knows that I'm in deep pain.

"What are you gonna do?" Angela asked, as she stroked my hair.

"I have an idea, but I need your help."

She undo the hug, and looked at me, frowning.

"Katy, as much as I want to help you, I really want to, but what is Ethan gonna say when he finds out about this?"

"Ange please. I need your help." I was bursting. My eyes feel so sore, like it's been poked countless of times.

She nodded. I'm glad she did. Gladly she understand me.

"Okay, what's your plan?"

I don't know if the plan will work, but hopefully it will. It's already bad enough that I'm doing this, wait until he finds out.

"Antonio got me pregnant." I said, not hesitating. My answer seem eager. I didn't stutter, nor stopped in between sentences. I said what popped into my head.

"Katy, are you crazy?!!" Angela said, raising her voice, "do you what'll happen if you do that? You're not only breaking your relationship with him, but you're also destroying their friendship."

She's got a point, but what else do I have to do. I'm confuse. I wasn't thinking straight when I thought of it.

"Do you have any other idea for me because I could really use it." I said, raising my voice. The whole deal is making me paranoid. I never thought that I would spend so much time plotting on how to break up with him, "I'm sorry. I raised my voice on you. It's just that---."

"It's alright. I understand." Angela said, smiling, "I have an idea for you. Want this to end, I'm afraid to tell you, you're gonna have to end it in person. You're gonna have to tell him what you want to say, and then end it. That's the only way." Angela suggested. I thought of it lots of times, but the reason why I never thought of it thoroughly is because I was trying to avoid the pain as well.

I was staring at the corner deeply. This whole situation seems like a blur. Like it was a bad dream.

"Give him one special day with you before you do it. At least end it with a memory."

"Yeah." I sighed. I pulled out my phone to contact him right away. It was ringing for a second until he answered it.

"Hey babe, what's up?" Ethan greeted me. I can feel his happiness over the phone. For once ever since his company got into a deep problem, he was once happy.

"Are you busy this coming Saturday?"

"No, why?"

"Can we go out for a moonlight picnic on that day?"

"Yeah-yeah, that'd be great." Ethan said, excitedly. His voice was full of enthusiasm. As for me, I'm still trying to conceal everything, "where?"

"It's a surprise. I'll plan it this time. I'll send you the address later."

"You're full of surprises, and I like it." He chuckled, "I'm excited."

"That's great, I'm glad we can." I was able to put up a smile.

"Can't wait, well I have to go, I have a meeting but I want to tell you something really quick."


"I love you Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson."

There was a wave of tears coming my way. It feels like I'm being shot countless of times.

"Ditto." I said back. I hanged up, and crouch down the ground.

I couldn't say the whole thing to him, knowing that it'll only hurt me even more.

"Angela." I cried. I didn't hold back, but rather cried harder. It was all out, what I've been holding for so long, "why is this happening to me?"

She paused, "I don't know, but all you can do right now is to fight it. You cannot feel cry all the time even though it's the only way to let it out."

"Promise me everything will be alright. Promise me it will get better soon."

She paused again for so long, "I can't. That would be lying."

I closed my eyes, still not being able to accept that I wouldn't have a future with him. It's fading, and I can't do anything to save it.

Our love is consider dead.

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