Chapter 32- The Funeral.

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Chapter 32- The Funeral.

***Ethan's POV***

After remembering the look on Callie's face knowing the news that our mom has died; makes me feel that if I just didn't have to be this stubborn; this all wouldn't happen.

"Callie, car is park out front; we have to go to the funeral."

"I'll meet you there." She wipes her tears.

As I leave her alone; I literally still cannot believe that my mom is gone. She's really gone this time. I still haven't tell her about a lot of things, and now I have no absolute chance of telling her. It's all my fault.

"Let's go." She said, while walking past me not looking at me.

We both walk our way to the car; not giving glances at each other.

"Callie, I'm sorry this happened, I wish I could take it back."

"But you can't. She's gone Ethan. There's no way for the both of us to do to get her back."

Those words. Those words have struck inside of my head. She's right. There's no way for me to say or realize to get her back; cause she's gone. No matter how many times I wish it's not going to get her back.

She's gone, and it's all my fault.


After arriving at the funeral; a couple of people have said their condolences telling us that they understand, and it's gonna get better. As we both head inside; I see Antonio, and Katy talking to each other; standing by the door.

"My condolences Callie." She said.

"Thank you Katy." They both hug.

She then hug Antonio like she never wants to let go of her.

"Let's head inside." He said, holding her by waist.


After taking a seat, a priest has come at the front.

"By the name of god, may we wish Grace Anderson to rest in peace." He bows down.

Katy holds my hand tightly, sending her thought to me that everything will be okay. I glance at her; giving her a smile, letting her to think that I'm thankful that she's right beside me.

"Now, the family members of Grace Anderson; may share their words to their loving mother."

***Please play Nearer My God Thee, that's featured in the movie Titanic. Play the instrumental.***

Callie stands up, and walks towards the podium.

"I'd like everyone to know that my mother has nothing but an angel to me. She's always there when I needed her, and she makes me feel good about myself. She's there to tell me that everything will be all right, she's there when I'm sick and in need of her help, she's there when I'm down, and most of all she was always there to guide me to the right path. And I know from the bottom of heart that all she've wanted for me is to be happy, and I now know that. Our bonds and memories of each other I will cherish deep to my heart. She will always be my angel, and I'll always love her." She said, while wiping her tears.

Her words makes me feel and think that; just because she've been gone for such a long time doesn't mean that she wasn't there when we were young and we were in need of her.

I then, now stand up, heading towards the podium.

I speak.

"Every time my mom is around me; all she have wanted for me is to be happy. The smile on her face, the things she have said to me to become a better person, and the things she have showed me to let me know that no matter what happens she'll always be there for me no matter what. She'll always know that....... I love her very much from the bottom of my heart. Being with her at the hospital, and having to be the last person she have spoken to, makes me feel and think that what could've I done differently, for this to not happened. But it did. And I cannot forget about what she have said to me. She looked at me in the eyes and said 'She was glad that I'm okay, and......... She will always love me. Having for me hear makes me now realize that all this time she have been there for me. And I couldn't ask for a better mother than that. She will always be a blessing to me." I ended my eulogy.

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