Chapter 45- Bad News.

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Chapter 45- Bad News.

***Katy's POV***

After being dropped off by him; knowing that he's not leaving anymore, gives me full of hope. It's nice knowing that I stopped him. I'm also glad that we're back together.

Being far off away from him is like something I can't bare for a long time. All that I know is that; losing him is not something I want to happen, and something that I would not let to happen.

After closing the door; I lean my back against the wooden door; I stop and smile. I move my finger onto my lips; feeling, and remembering how his lips are pressed against mine. Every feeling I get; the trembling all over my body, the sparks, and my heart pounding out of my chest. All of that in one single kiss.

"You're happy; that must be a good sign." Angela chuckles, while heading downstairs.

"Yeah; a lot actually."

"That's great."

"Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah sure."

"Remember when I told you that I can't never experience a fairytale feeling?"


"When I met him; everything changed. It's like my whole world is upside down because of him; and I've never been this happy before. Ever." I smile. "It's crazy."

"No, it's not. You're speaking what you feel, and that's great. I'm really happy for you."

"Thank you; for everything."

"You're welcome."

"Now, if you excuse me; I'm gonna go to sleep; if I can." I giggle on the way to the stairs.

After doing the same routine as what I do every evening; I lean my back against my fluffy bed. I stare deeply towards the ceiling thinking if he's somehow thinking about me.

I can't sleep. I can't sleep with me thinking about him. He's inside my head; like really glued inside.




Damn, is this how much he's glued inside of me. I can't even sleep. There's only one way for me to sleep. I have to hear his voice.

"It's 2:46, and you're still on my mind." I chuckled; speaking to him on the phone.

"So do I. Damn! I really want to kiss you so badly." He chuckles.

I smile. "I'm glad you exist; but I wish you existed closer to me."

"Look at your window." He said, which made me move to my window.

"Stare closely at the moon."

"Yeah, I'm staring."

"Just remember, even though we're not together; just look at the moon, and know that we share the same one. I'll be also looking at the moon." He chuckles. I can hear him breathing through the phone.

"I'll remember that." I chuckled, while going back to bed.

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"2 hours of record session. That's it."

"Around, what time is that?"


"Can you stop by here tomorrow? I really miss you."

I chuckled; "Yeah I will."

"Now, Close your eyes; and go to sleep. You gotta wake up early tomorrow babe. And I don't want you getting all tired."

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