Chapter 24- Mutual Understandings

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Chapter 24- Mutual Understandings.

***Ethan's POV***

Ever since the whole moonlight picnic, we have been more closer ever since. We always made plans to see each other, she helped me move out of my house, and off to my new apartment, she comes very often to my new apartment, I come to her very often, we hang out very often, and most of all we have been texting, and calling each other very often now. It's like my whole wish came true. High school all over again.

I could've sworn during the shooting star, inside my mind I wish that after this moment, we can grow even more. And it did. I'm more closer to her since. It's like almost we're a couple.

Ever since I moved out of my house, and I decided to get a new apartment instead, she has been a big support to me, helping throughout the moving.

I'm so glad that Antonio suggested moonlight picnic. We're so close to each other that whenever I'm with her I feel so complete, and it's like we're dating. It's a new kind of feeling.

As much as I want to go on and on about how closer we are; it's literally going to take the whole day just to say it all.

The sky turns dark, and the whole view from where I am goes very peaceful and quite. I wish it's always like this. Suddenly, out of nowhere someone knocks at my door; at this time.

As I open it; I see her standing in front of the doorstep; almost about to burst and cry. The redness of her eyes makes me worry so much.

"Katy, what's wrong?" I ask, very worriedly while I pull her in for a hug.

"Got in a brutal argument with my parents, and siblings; and-and---- I feel like they don't understand me, you know?, I feel like you're the only person I know that would truly understand." She said, trying to control herself not to cry.

"Listen-listen, I'm sure that they understand you, maybe they just don't think the way you do, and trust me I'm not the only person who understands you, your family understands you more, even if it doesn't seem like it. But, no matter what happens I'm still here for you, ready to listen about all your problems. Cause, that's what friends do to each other." I try to make her smile, while wiping a tear at the corner of her eyes.

"Thanks Ethan, I really needed that." She finally smiles. Yes. "Is it okay, if I spend the night here?"

"Yeah, sure." I said straightforwardly; without even thinking a second about it. "I'm sorry it's still a mess, anyways, I can just sleep on that mini sofa, while you sleep on that bed."

"No-no, it's alright if you sleep next to me." She smiles.

I nodded and smile. I'm so glad that she didn't let me sleep on that revolting itchy couch.


"I know for sure that you don't feel comfortable sleeping with that clothes on, here's a blue v-neck shirt and a pajama; just about your size." I let out a smile, and I give her the things.

"Thank you." She chuckles.

"No problem, do you want to use the bathroom first to change?"

"No-no, you can use it first." She smiles.


***Katy's POV***

As he leaves me by the bed, I have literally no idea what to do next. All I can think about is how I'm grateful that he understands me very well, and didn't bother to ask what the problem is, cause he knows that I don't want to talk about it. By just looking at my eyes; he knows what I truly feel.

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