Chapter 49- Wounded.

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Chapter 49- Wounded.

A/N; You will be noted when to play the song on top later, so pay attention to it bb's.

***Ethan's POV***

I never felt wounded this much since my mother's death. The worst part about this distance is that; I don't know whether she'll miss me, or forget me. She haven't made any contact with me ever since she left, and that's 3 months ago. I don't know if she's busy, can't reach the phone, or just really have forgotten about me.

I'm so afraid. I know that I promised myself that to not let this pain get the best of me, but it's a lot harder than I thought it would be. Every night, all I think about is her. Sometimes I even stay up until 4am thinking about her. She just can't leave mind.

Only 14 more months until she gets back here with me, and her family where she belongs. And I know that there will be more tours, not just this; but as long as we keep our promises; I'm willing to wait whether it takes forever.

If I can remember what my mother told me about loving someone, and not giving up to that person; that is sticking to the things we've said to each other. I love you's, the long night of us talking about our future, how will our babies would look like, and the strong and never ending promises. I just have to remember our good memories, and I might just pull through.

It hasn't been normal to me ever since she left. Well actually it's like I'm back to admiring her again from far. I have to get use to this somehow. There will be a lot more tours; longer ones; I have to pull through this, like I said. I know I can. And I will. I can do this.

This is probably the thousand times I've ever checked my phone. I kept going back and forth, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, and second by second. Why won't she just call me and say that I'm fine, and you don't have to worry about anything?

I'm fucked up. What if she forgot about out promises, and just completely ignores me for no good reason? Ugh! I should've stop her when I had the chance.

"Wait, so you said she hasn't called you, or text you ever since she left?"

"Yeah." I sighed, once again checking my phone about I don't know how many times anymore.

"You're fucked up dude. What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know man. And honestly, I don't even know what's going on with her."

"Well that's easy cause she's in Boston right now. Massachusetts."

"Boston? Massachusetts?"

"Yeah, she just landed there, and will be staying for 2 days. Why? Planning on going there?"

"As much as I want to, I can't. I have a big presentation tomorrow, and I can't miss it."

"Yo! what happened to Ethan, who always puts everything aside for Katy? Where's that person at?"

I sighed, "He's sick, and busy; so, if you're just gonna make fun of me not making an effort on going there, then you should just leave!" I chuckled, pushing him away from the door.

"I'm going, but first you have to do me one huge favor something."

"Why do I have to do this again?"

"Because, remembered back like 4 months ago; I cooked for you. You're date with Katy and stuff, and I told you that you'll do me one bug favor one day? well, that day has come." He chuckled like an idiot standing at my doorstep. This is creeping me out. I don't like where this is going.

"What is it?"

"I need you to go on a double date with me."

"What! hell no! I won't." I quickly hesitated.

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