Chapter 8: The Plan

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Chapter 8: The Plan

***Ethan's POV***

It's been two days since we've talked. I haven't seen her ever since the last time she was here. I've been wondering if she's been avoiding me. I already tried every possible way I can think of but every ideas I had; failed.

This is like; me admiring her from far all over again. I do not want to go back there; ever. The more the separation we have the more I crave for her even more. It's amazing how she can make someone mean something for her so much for only a few days. I shouldn't complain about it too much because maybe she never really see me as friend figure.

The more I look at the painting the more I realize how much affection I have on her. I've been probably smiling for what felt like an hour or so. To be honest I wasn't much of an artist; just architecture. I guess I inherited this talent because of my mother.

I dialed numbers on to my phone while pacing around the room.

"Antonio, mind doing me a favor?"

"It depends." He says, with his deep voice.

"Do you think you can figure out what room Katy is in?"

"Name the place." He demands.

"The Hampton."

"Let me see what I can do; but don't expect too much."

"How long do you think you can get it done?"

"Give me an hour."

"Yeah, of course."


Our conversation ended. It got me to thinking that this is probably one of those plans where I'm sure it's going to work but it turns out it didn't. What I'm about to do can lead to something ugly and could get me possible fired.

This is the only thing I could think of to know if she's either okay or avoiding me. I haven't been calmed lately ever since I got the job. There's still an upside to this whole situation; and that's getting to spend my time with her. No matter how hard the work can get it's okay at least it's something important for her. Even if I get hurt at least it's something very significant for her.

This is probably the fifth time I've been giving my painting stares. It's a nice figure face of Katy; with its perfect color skin. Again, there's this feeling where my heart starts beating faster and faster. The more I thought of her the stronger my feeling is for her.

This what love does to me: it makes me want to rewrite the world. It makes me want to choose the characters, build the scenery, and guide the plot. The person I love sits across from me and, I want to do everything in my power to make it possible, endlessly possible. And when it's just the two of us, alone in a room, I can pretend that this is how it is, this is how it will be.

She makes me feel crazy than usual; and I seem to enjoy it. This is the only feeling I love the most; the only feeling that makes me want more. The truth, is it wasn't always like this. There was a time when life was less complicated than it is right now.

As I leaned my back against the couch, I ended up staring at the ceiling for so long it makes me wonder of all things that I never thought I could. I've been doing things I never thought I would. I've imagine things I never thought I would imagine. Ever since I met her, she made me do things I wasn't able to do. She turned me into something I've been wanting all along. Not exactly this perfect but it's close to it.

I've been pretty lucky with my life lately ever since I met her. Sometimes when she's that worth it, I just have to put myself out there. Because of her I've been smiling a lot lately. Than usual.

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