Chapter 72- The day......

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Chapter 72- The Day........

***Katy's POV***

I was left alone inside my room. I still held on the ring tighter. I looked at it, and seeing something written inside the sidelines.

E and a figure of a heart, and K.

I yelled and cried. I let it all out. I couldn't hold it anymore. I never can. I don't how many times I've said that it hurts so much, but that is just because it does hurt a lot.

But he's safe, and that is what matters. I settled the ring besides my desk. Someday, maybe when I get out of this place, maybe we might have a future. Maybe things can get back to how it is.

I stared up the ceiling, until my eyes were starting to lulled shut.

I flickered my eyes, and opened them slowly. It feels so sore from the all the crying I did last night. And I still feel like crying.

I went inside the bathroom, and stared myself at the mirror. My eyes is nothing but a color red. I sighed deeply, and open the cabinet to get my make up kit.

I can just try to conceal the pain, even though whatever I do, it'll always be there.

I dressed myself with my normal attire. Nothing special, just a normal outfit to move on with my day. As what I have to do one day with my feelings. It will be hard, but I have to deal with the fact that good things doesn't last long.

I shuffled myself out of my bathroom, and out of my room. As I was heading downstairs, Angela and David were inside the kitchen drinking their coffee. I got in, and made myself one too.

"Are you okay? How are you holding up?" Angela asked, as she settled a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I replied. It was hard answering the question, knowing that I'm not really fine. I was never fine ever since that day.

"Katy, no you're not."

I sighed, and shifted to them.

"Okay, what do you want me to say? I'm not fine, and that I want to get back to him? Huh? Is that what you want? To follow my heart, and just go to him and beg for forgiveness, and put him to danger? Is that what you want?" I yelled, as a single escaped, and flowed down my cheek, "my feelings, and what I want doesn't matter. I have to accept the fact that this life I'm living is reality, and I'll never have a happy ending."

They paused. She didn't fight back for answer.

"Katy..." Angela said, worriedly, as she settled a hand on my shoulder. I moved it away, and took off.

I got inside my car, and took off my house. I was driving fast. Fast enough to realize that I might even kill myself because of my speed. I don't care anymore.

I think I stopped caring a while ago. This is what pain does to people. They change them. I wouldn't be surprise that one day I'll start changing.

As soon as I arrived work, I got inside the booth, and tackled all the song.

"Katy, is everything alright?" Tamara asked, as she pulled me in for a hug. For some reason, when a person tries to comfort me, and telling me that everything is going to be alright, I feel like crying even more.

I sobbed harder. We were left alone inside the recording booth. Tamara was wiping tears off my face. I feel really comfortable when Tamara is around. She's one of the most important people in my life. I don't know what to do without her.

"Tam, I don't know what to do. Why does it hurt this much?" I asked, as I kept sobbing harder and harder.

"Because, you love him way too much. And you still do." Tam replied back. She always know what to say.

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