Chapter 62- Meet My Embarrassing Other Half.

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Chapter 62- Meet My Embarrassing Other Half.
*Ethan's POV*
The thing that I don't like about going to Philly, is the embarrassment I left off. Embarrassing people, moments, and many more. I really don't want to go back there. If it just wasn't for my aunt's mom I wouldn't have come.
I'm actually more worried about Katy, meeting the embarrassing people that is related to me. I don't want to ruin my good image to Katy, even though I've attempted it many times.
Enough with the worrying, and just enjoy my remaining time here in this airplane with Katy. I looked over her, who happens to be sleeping like a cute angel. Awwh so cute.
I stroked her hair a couple of times, and pressed my lips against her head.
"She's very pretty, and nice." My aunt said, while flipping through pages of cosmopolitan magazine.
I smiled. "Yeah she is." I said.

"I never seen you this happy before ever since, wait oh my god, I never seen you this happy before."
"Because, she's one of a kind." I half chuckled.
"Did you tell her about what happened last 2 years ago mijó?"

Remembering exactly every bit of details on that day still haunts me. I never thought that side of me exist. I never want that to happen again. I let it get to me once, not twice.

"No, not yet." I replied stiffly.
"Are you planning on telling her?"
She then wakes up, leading me to change the subject.
"Hey." She smiled up to me.
"Hey beautiful." I beatifically said.
I signaled my aunt the no-look to let her know that she cannot mention this thing to Katy.
"How many hours left until we land?"
I looked over my watch, seeing that there's only like half an hour until the landing.
"Half hour." I said back. "Are you hungry? cause I could get you something." I offered.
"No, it's fine. Is it okay if I just continue sleeping?"
"Of course babe. Go back to sleep." I pulled her in for a small kiss. She then lulled her eyes shut.
I looked over at my aunt, who happens to be giving me worry look. She's worried about me again. Like always. Worried that if I tell Katy my secret, that she'll come running away from me.
Well will she. Almost everyone did, except for Antonio, and Andrea. They're the ones that helped me back up again, and managed to get me to my good side.
Let me just put this theory to sleep. I glanced at Katy once again, before I put myself to rest. I kissed her, and leaned my head against hers. We both laid against each other, and slept.

I sat there along with 5 other people talking about something. My attention was lost based on the fact that my dad just died because of me. I filled up my red cup with liquor, and from this moment on, I don't care if something bad end up happening to me. Cause, honestly I deserve it.
I gulped it all down, and filling it up once more.
"Whoa, dude slow down." He said. "What's wrong with you all of the sudden?"
I grunted, "Get your fucking hand off of me." I aggressively threw it to the side.
"Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?" His voice raised. I didn't care.
I didn't answer. I continued staring deeply towards the fire, while drinking my liquor once more.
"Hey! I'm talking to you. What the hell is wrong with you?!?" He exclaimed. He settled down his hand on my left shoulder. It's making me furious.
I clinched my jaw, and threw my cup to the side. I picked up the collar from his polo tightly.
"Mind minding your own business for once?" I grunted.
I turned around, and picked up my jacket.
"No wonder why your dad died."
I rolled up my fist, after hearing those word coming out of his fucking mouth.
"What'd you say?" I asked.
"See, now it all makes sense to me. The reason why he died is because his son is a coward." He chuckled, and shifted away from me.
I breathed aggressively, and run up toward him. I tackled him, leaving us to stumble upon the grass. I pinned him down, crunching my knuckles on to his face. I feel his blood touching my skin, and the grunting he makes.
I elbowed his chest, and after that I see nothing but darkness. The next thing I know is his face is already covered with thick blood. His eyes, mouth, and everything; cannot be seen clear. But, I didn't stop. I continued punching him.
This is one side of me, I never seen before me.
I squinted my eyes tightly to get myself off this nightmare. I tried reaching from my perfect breath, but I still couldn't. I feel the air choking my whole body, which I can no longer control.
"NO!" I yelled. Suddenly, my eyes opened, seeing that we're still inside the airplane. I feel the thickening sweat, wrapping around all over my body. My whole body is trembling out of control.
"Ethan, are you okay?" Katy asked. I can see the terror within her eyes. She must really be worried.
I tried managing my normal breathing, which is coming along.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just had a nightmare, but I'll be fine. You don't need to worry."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, don't worry. Now, I'll just use the restroom for a second."
I ran up quickly, until I arrived inside the restroom. I stared myself towards the mirror, examining my reflection, thinking that what if one day that side of me comes back again, and could possibly destroy the relationship between us. I cannot let that happen for sure.
I splashed water on to my face for about three times, until I feel myself cooling off. I take one big breath, and another one after it.
What is happening to me?
I do not want to be that person again. I can't be. And I won't.
I got out of the bathroom, and sat back down besides Katy.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, you don't have to worry." I smiled. I don't like it when she worries about me. I feel bad for some reason. Of course I want empathy once in while, but for some reason I don't want to.
I'm turning crazy. This is exactly what I'm afraid of.
For about an hour or so, we finally landed. We manage to get the luggage quickly, and got a cab. It was only a half hour drive, so it didn't take that long to get to where we want to be.
We settled our stuff inside our chosen room(s). And of course, Katy and I share the same room.
"Are you tired?" I asked. "You can rest for a bit while I go with my Aunt to take care of her mom."
"No-no, I actually want to go with you, if that's okay with you."
"Yeah of course."
I wrapped my left arm around her in a circular way, feeling her secure.
"Hey, Can I ask you something?" She gaze at me.
I nodded, "Sure."
"While we were in mid-air, you were mumbling something, and it sounds like you were having a nightmare, can you tell me about it?"
I sighed, but not in a way of frustration. But, although I do not want to answer it. It's going to lead into a lot of question.
Luckily, before I could speak, my grandfather came in.
"Ethan, is this the wonderful girlfriend of yours you've telling me about?" He asked hoarsely, but at the same time in a sympathetic way.
I blushed for some reason, "Yes, grandpa." I answered.
I glance at Katy who happens to be staring at my grandfather adorably. It's showing her wonderful dimples.
"Nice to meet you sir." Katy greeted.
"Yes, dear son?"
"Where's grandma?"
"Your old room." He chuckled. "Mind if I borrow your girlfriend while you go?"
I smiled, "Sure gramps, just don't steal her away from me."
"Don't worry." He offered his arm, and took Katy to another room.
***Please play the chosen song from this point on.***
As they left, the room got quiet. I head downstairs to where my room is. Walking down this hallway brings back a lot of memories, leading me to feel a bit melancholically. I feel my heart freezing, and my whole body fluttering.
I swallowed hard. I got inside the room, and the first thing that caught my eyes is my grandmother reading my favorite book. Tom Sawyer. Again, there goes the good ole' memories.
"Hey, grandma how are you?" I asked.
She closed the book, and put it aside.
"I'm doing well fine, just a bit sick." She answered.
As I examine her face; she's a bit pale, and her lips shade of color is a bit almost purple.
I take a seat next to my grandma, while grabbing her cold palm. I give her that look where everything is going to be okay, even though things might get worse.
From my perspective she really needs a lot of empathy, which really I can't give. I can't say that I know exactly how she feels, because I don't. That would be lying.
"I heard that you're dating Katy Perry now. I was watching that show that your cousin still watches. I was watching it with her." She giggled hoarsely. "I'm so glad you made it happen."
I smiled fully, "Thank you grandma. And I was just thinking about what you've said to me last time I was here."
"You're so smart just like your mother." She smiled, giving me one of the perfect feeling right now.
I chuckled lightly, "You said; even how many obstacles come stumbling upon my way to the person I love; I shouldn't give up."
"You have a good memory." She smiled.
"It was one of the reason why I achieved what I wanted." I smiled "Thank you grandma for everything."
She slowly moved toward me, and held my hand tightly.
"Don't mention it."
-Supper Time-
After preparing the food, and setting down the dining room, now the whole family is gathered up. I know for sure that they'll ask a bunch of question about Katy and I.
I can hear their annoying laughters, and stuff falling all over the ground. God! they're embarrassing. Wait until Katy comes back from Apple picking with gramps, and everything will be embarrassing.
It was moments before she arrives, cause I can hear gramps and her talking; I sat down with 8 other people that I'm embarrassed about.
They have no manners. They're so embarrassing. I don't even know how many times I've said embarrassing since I got here. I've lost count.
Sooner, they have arrived along with their fresh apples. After all the process of getting ready to eat, she sat down next to me, gave me a smile. I smiled back.
"Bon Appetite." Aunt Chloe said, while putting the enormous turkey in the middle of the table. No longer than nano second, they came digging in. The worst part is they're using their hands. The utensils are right next to their palms, how can they not use it.
The noises they make, the way they grab it, and how they eat is just straight embarrassing right now.
Now, nothing is left for the both of us.
"Ethan eat up before food gets cold." Dylan suggested, while gobbling the food like there's no tomorrow.
Oh Dylan; spiky hair, green eyes, tan skin, and a very bad personality. But don't get me wrong he's awesome.
"Get cold?!!" I sighed of frustration and embarrassment, "There's nothing to be cold for. You all took it. Now what are me and Katy supposed to eat?"
"Gibber jabber." He rolled his eyes.
Oh god. I aggressively tangled my hair in front. The embarrassment.
"It's alright Ethan." She smiled.
I smiled back of course.
"So, Ethan really hit the jackpot with her dude." Dylan said. "So you and Stephanie broke up already?"
Seriously?! Do you want us to break up right now.
I feel startled. I don't know how to respond to his question. I'm afraid that if I answer it the way that I think right now, it might hurt her, or worse case scenario is for her to hate my guts.
Speaking of Stephanie, we went out for about a month when Katy and I broke up. But, it wasn't serious. I couldn't love her the way I loved Katy. There's just wasn't enough for her. Katy still has heart my and she'll always will be.
"Oh, you haven't told her yet?"
I glance to Katy, who seems to be handling this pretty well. But, why do I feel so uneasy.
"Katy, you know Stephanie is actually the first girl he brought here. That's why I was like, what happened to Katy, and then that's when I knew that you guys must've broken up." He chuckled.
I'm dead.
I can already feel her hurting from this. Even though she's concealing it.
I take a stand, "I'm not very hungry." I said then left.
I knew going here wasn't right. I knew bad things will happen. And it did.
I need some air.
I walked down to where I usually go, to get some thinking to do. It feels quiet as usual. Nothing changes ever since I left. Why can't people be this way.
"Ethan." She said. I turned around seeing Katy running towards me.
"Why'd you have to leave? you didn't have to do that."
"I'm sorry about Dylan, he's got a big mouth." I wrapped my arms around her neck.
"I'm not mad. I'd understand that you went with other people when we broke up. It happens."
"I just want you to know that, I couldn't love her the way I love you."
She smiled, "I know."
"I would never let anything, or anybody hurt you. I never felt that way about anyone." I said, then pulling her in for a very tight hug.
"Thank you for always being there for me."
The smell of her hair, and the way she feels when I hug her makes me feel like something I never felt before.
The next day,
After waking up with a crooked back, I felt that the side of her bed is widely open. She must've waken up before me.
I pulled out my phone to check time. And it's 10:00 in the morning. I yawned and stretched. After splashing my face with water, I feel better now.
As I walk down the hallway to look for her, I hear clattering of utensils way far in the dining room, and voices. When I got there, I saw grandma and Katy cooking something that smells good.
"Hey, you're awake." She gave me a hug. "Slept good last night?"
"Yeah, but my back feels crooked for some reason."
"Awwh." She playfully stroked my hair. "Why don't you sit down here, and taste this soup me and your grandma made."
"You cooked?" I asked.
"Yeah, and I hope you like it."
"I can already tell I'm going to."
"Ethan, why don't you take Katy to the festival later with Rue, and Chester."
"Oh yeah, that's today."
Speaking of the festival, I haven't attended in such a long time, and I really miss it.
"What's the festival?"
"It's when they have this big celebration, and there's a lot of fun things to do. Like; water balloon fight, tomato fight, archery games, and much more. You want to come?"
"Yeah, of course. It sounds amazing."
"Great." I pulled her in for a hug. She feels warm, and cozy. As always.
After eating breakfast, Katy and I both head inside the room to go get ready to buy something for the moonlight picnic for the whole family.
"You ready?" I asked, as I locked my arms around her waist.
She shifted her whole body to me, leaving us to be only inches away until our lips touch.
"As always." She giggled, as I smiled.
I pecked her lips for a quick second, then we got outside where my old motorcycle is still parking.
As soon as we got there, I strapped her into the helmet, making it sure it's secure enough. Looks secure to me.
I assisted her to ride first, then I went, and started the engine. While we're on the road, since it's early in the morning, and there's not much traffic; I can still feel her shaking. Still fearing to ride motorcycle.
"Hey, don't worry about falling." I comforted her with my words, "I won't let anything bad happen to you."
She smiled for the answer. Even though she was able to put up a smile, I can still feel her tightening her arms around my waist.
After minutes of driving all the way to the grocery store, we both hopped off gently.
"See, I told you nothing bad will happen." I caressed my thumb onto her cheek, "Especially when I'm around you."
She nodded, I then wrapped my arm around her neck, while crossing the street that leads to the store.
When we got there, people who I used to know starts shoving me, leading me to undo my burrito wrap on Katy.
"Ethan! you're back." Like five people have said the same thing.
"I am." I chuckled; awkwardly. Actually, I feel awkward.
One thing, cause they're embarrassing as hell.
"Is this your girlfriend man?" He asked, "Wow, you've hit the jackpot dude, she's a freaking pop star." They all looked wowed, seeing me with Katy.
Then, no longer than any second, he of course asked to take a picture with her. Then, another five people came along, until it became mayhem. They were all surrounding Katy, and I can tell that she feels uncomfortable.
Okay, that's it. I quickly swooped in, until I touched her hand. I pulled her away from the crowd. They, all booed.
"Alright, that's it." I said, then took her away from them.
As we're far away from them, I glance at Katy, who happens to be looking at me.
"Sorry about the whole mob." I apologized.
"No need to be sorry, I'm a pop star, and that's one of things I have to deal with." She smiled, showing her adorable little dimples. Cute as fuck.
After the whole searching, buying, and the picture taking; we're finally done. We head back out the parking lot, and stuffed our groceries under the seat.
"You okay?" I asked, as I see that she looks a bit pale. I can't blame her, cause it was really hot in there, and the people that's asking for pictures and autographs are not helping.
She smiled, "Totes."
"Okay, just tell if you start feeling a bit sick just tell me." I said, as I wrapped my arms around her neck.
After getting home to give grandpa all the foods that we got, I took her to get some fresh air.
"Babe, you still think you can go to the festival?" I glance at her, who happens to be looking towards the beach.
She nodded, "Yeah, it just turns out that I just need some fresh air."
I half smiled, "Good."
-An hour later-
It was moments before we leave the house, and off to the festival, when Katy is awfully taking a long time in the bathroom.
I knocked a couple of times, until she finally opens the door.
"Sorry, it took me so long." She fixed up her hair into a ponytail. God, she looks hot.
I chuckled, "It's alright. Ready to go?"
She nodded. As we got outside Rue and Chester are already standing in front of the door waiting for us.
Let me get one thing with them, they're a big fan of Katy, so I bet their reactions when they see her will be phenomenal.
"They're a big fan of you by the way." I whispered to her ear, "Make them squeal."
She smiled widely, "I've got this."
She tip toed her way to them, while I snickered to side, cannot wait for their reaction. They're going to exclaimed of happiness.
Just as she's halfway there, They both turned around, looking so shock.
She kneeled down to hug both of them, "Heard you're a big fan of me."
They both chuckled cutely, "YESSS!"
The happiness within their eyes, makes me happy. Katy really brings happiness to a person's eyes. I slowly walked my way to them, making them all turned to me.
"So, you guys have met." I chuckled, as I stuffed both of my hands inside pocket. "Wonderful."
"You guys are so adorable." Katy said, as she pinched both of their small cheeks.
"Thanks." They both said shyly.
"Ethan?" Rue asked, as she glaze her eyes at me.
"Yes, my princess?" I kneeled down, and caressed her cheek with my left thumb.
"Is Katy Pwewy your girlfriend?" She asked sweetly, even though she pronounced her last name wrong.
I looked at Katy for a quick second, then turned my attention to Rue.
"Yes princess, Katy is my sweet, caring, beautiful, and amazing girlfriend." I pinched her cheek, couldn't resist how soft they are.
I felt Katy's hand settling on my shoulder, right after saying those words to Rue. She then turned to Katy, grabbing her palm.
"Katy?" She asked, as Katy kneeled down once more.
She smiled, "Yes, sweetheart?"
"Do you love my big brother Ethan?" She giggled so adorably.
She chuckled, as she again pinched her cheek. "Yes, princess. I love your big brother Ethan so much."
She glance at me, then back to them.
I feel so happy right now. Finally, for once everything seems to be going good here in Philly.
"Ready to go?" I asked both of them, as I take Chester's hand, while Katy takes Rue's hand.
"Yes, sir." Chester chuckled, while saluting me.
It's so adorable when he does this.
"How old are you two by the way?" Katy asked, as we all head towards where the festival is.
"I'm 6, and Chester is 8." Rue said with such excitement and enthusiasm.
"That's adorable." Katy said, "You don't talk much don't you?" Katy asked, wrapping her arms around Chester's neck.
"He's shy." I added.
"For starters, Katy Perry is standing right beside him."
"Awwh, that's so adorable." Katy said, as she pinched his cheek.
As usual he chuckled, laugh, and nodded. He's more shy than I was when I met Katy. I glance at Katy's open hand, to meet mine. I covered each and every crack.
She smiled at me, quickly gave her head a lean on my shoulder. After minutes, and minutes of walking finally we made it.
What a great turn out this year. Not that I know what happened the last 3 years of me not showing up to this traditional festival, but last time I was here there was only like three hundred to four hundred people, but now this is like almost 700-800.
Hopefully no one will butt in and ask for pictures with Katy, cause last thing I want to happen is for her to be feeling uncomfortable.
"Now, which do you guys want to do first?" I asked, as I kneeled down to hear their answers.
"Water balloon fight!" They exclaimed of enthusiasm.
I raised both of my eye brows, "Let's go then."
They both held each other's hand, as I held Katy's.
"They're adorable Ethan." She said, as she gave me a peck on the cheek.
"Well, because they got it from me." I smirked.
"Talk about being cocky." She laughed, and gave me a punched on the shoulder.
"Ouch!" I exaggerated, and cried.
She rolled her eyes, and shake her head as she smiled.
"Come on, before we lost them."
After the festival, I must say better than what I expected. Shockingly, no one asked for pictures. This is shaping up to be one of the best day off life. The festival ended with fireworks.
We all walked down the peaceful scenery of the beach, as Rue and Chester eats their ice cream of their choice.
"Did you have a great time?" I asked, as I gave her a quick kiss.
"The best." She responded, then gave a sweet and warm kiss.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"I knew I would." She smiled, "Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, definitely."
She paused, and glance at me.
"Your nightmare, what's it about?"
Suddenly, getting to hear this question again, makes me feel fearful, that when I tell her about it, she's going to look at me differently.
I paused. I don't know how long I paused, but I paused.
"Ethan, are you okay?" Katy asked, as she rubbed my back.
I coughed, "Yeah, it's just that---... you know what, nevermind, it's--- nothing."
"No, please tell me."
I sighed, and take one big breath, "Well, my nightmare is more of a reality to me."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm afraid that, when I tell you, you'll look at me differently."
"Look at you differently? Ethan, no matter what happens you're still the person I fell in love with. Please, tell me."
I looked at her, as I see that her eyes is full of answers. Maybe I should tell her. Should I? She might runaway for me.
I feel confused. Or maybe I should just lie.
What should I do?

My Pop Star //. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now