Chapter 50- Uh-Oh?

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A/N; I'm going to apologize in advance that this chapter may not be longer, and exciting as what my other chapters are. I'm really sorry. I'll make it up next time. In the mean time, here's chapter 50 for you guys!!

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Chapter 50- Uh-Oh?

***Ethan's POV***

I stand there, wondering what could've I done differently for this to happen. There's a lot of possibility into it, but I'm 100% percent sure than it's better than having to watch them bury my mom into the ground.

It's been exactly almost a year since she passed away, and there's still nights where I still have flashbacks of that moment where I just stood there and did nothing. I could've done something, but instead I followed my own instinct. And I regret that a lot. Anyone has their own regrets, but in a certain amount of time; they'll be either forgotten, or it'll kill you. It depends in a person. For me, it's so close to killing me.

"Hey mom." I started. "I don't know if you can hear me but I just want to say thank you for everything. The things you've taught me, you being there when I need you, and giving me every bit of love you have for me." I paused. I can feel a tear escaping the corner of my eyes, and I'm usually not a very emotional person.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry it has to happened this way. If only I could go back in time and change every thing I would. But, I can't. What's done is done. I should've told you what you mean to me, and thank you, and be a good son to you. And I wasn't able to do that. I'm really sorry. I'm really really sorry." I said, kneeling down the grass settling the flowers down her grave.

I stand up; looking downwards at her grave; promising myself one thing.

"I promise that I'll be a better person than what I am right now. Not only a better person for Callie, or Katy; but for you also. I will try my best to be the person you've wanted me to be." I said, turning around and leaving her grave.

I know that I can do it. Try to be a better person for everyone.

As soon as I got home from work; I settled down my bag aside the couch, and make myself a microwavable meal. I would cook, but it's too much work, and I have to turn on the stove, get the oil, pour down some water, wash the dishes, and much more. I'm not doing all of that for a food. Nope! I rather just eat microwavable food, that cooks for 3 mins, and enjoy my tasty food.

Why would someone waste their time cooking for such a long time, when they can just put something inside the microwave for 3 minutes, and vìola; breakfast/lunch/dinner is serve. Easy as that.

I'm not the type of person who likes to do work, and stuff. Even though I've done a lot work from her tour. I had my own motivation, that's why I was able to finish the work. If I had no motivation then, I would just quit and just sit on my couch eat Doritos, and drink coca-cola.


After my food was well cooked by the microwave; I'm ready to wolf it all down. It smells so good. Right when I'm about to put the food inside of my mouth, a knock on the door interrupts me from me about to enter heaven. Really?!!

I pushed myself to the door, and about to slap the shit out off whoever is by the door. I open the door; and I see Antonio standing in front of my doorstep smiling like an idiot. No shock there; he's always an idiot. More idiot than that character from the T.V show that little kid I babysat like a month ago. As far as I can remember; he was watching Cat and Sam? Wait no, that doesn't sound right. Wait, I know; Sam and Cat! Yeah? That's it. There was this character from that show; Cat! She's dumb as hell. And her voice just makes her even more sound like an idiot. That character reminds me a lot about Antonio. Dumb and an idiot.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"You gotta see this man. Turn on your T,V to channel 3, and see what's on." He said, then rushes inside of my living room; grabbing the remote, and turning on the television.

I closed the door, and walk myself to him.

"What the hell am I supposed to watch here?" I sighed, while sitting down by the couch.

"There! just listen to it." He said, and turns up the volume to 45.

"What the hell dude?!!" I exaggerate. "Are you trying to blow both of our ear drums out?!! damn! turn it down a bit."

"Just watch." He said, increasing the volume even more.

"Why are we watching Gossip Chels?!!" I asked; weirdly. "Are you gay or something?" I chuckled.

"Are you fucking serious right now?!!" He laughs, "Just watch the damn show." He suddenly giggles. Okay.

What. The. Hell.

I just shook my head, and stare at the screen.

"Okay, into the next top subject; a twitter top trending world wide picture of pop star Katy Perry getting up close with a back up dancer. I believe his name is Mason Carter; shared a smoochy smooch sesh before her show in Madrid Spain. Now, I don't know what's going on here Chels, but isn't she dating that commoner Ethan Anderson?" She wiggles her eyes brows.

"Yeah Brit, you're right. Now, if you look at this photo closely; you can tell that this does not look like they're fooling around. Based on our perspective; this does not look good for Katy's relationship with Ethan. Yikes!" She chuckled, and flips her paper to another page.

"Now, Chels, what do you think is going on between Mason and Katy? any assumptions?"

"All that I can say right from this show; she has a lot of explaining to do." She smiled. "Better yet; write a song; cause that's what she's good at." They both laugh.

"Now, into our---." Then their voices fades.

All that I can think about is how I want pound on that guy. I have no idea what's going on, but she better have a good explaining to do.

I then grab the remote, and turned off the T.V.

I sighed, leaning my back against the couch; not knowing what to do, or to even think.

"What now dude?" He asks, while gobbling my microwavable food.

"I don't know. I'm fucked." I aggressively rubbed both of my eyes with my hands, as I stroked my hair.

"Sorry this happened. Anyways, this is a good macaroni and cheese; where did you buy this?" He continuously gobbling the food.

I gave him a quick annoying-really? glance, and I leaned my head against the couch aggressively. I'm screwed. Shit!


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