Chapter 12: Concert #1 Tokyo, Japan

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Chapter 12: Concert #1/ Tokyo, Japan.

***Katy's POV***

Today is the day. Only for a few more hours till the concert. As usual, I'm feeling nervous again. I feel tense, and my hand is shaking. Too bad, David is not here to watch my concert. I have been vocalizing for about minute by minute.

I've been pacing around the room, wondering what'll happen right when I step a foot on that stage. I always get this feeling every time. I have always been in this situation like this; where I get so nervous, I have no idea what to do. But I somehow manage to control myself.

Another hour passed by, and I even feel more pressure, and tense as I get closer and closer to the concert. My hand is shaking, rapid beating heart, and most of all I'm sweating. The worst part is, it's not outside, I'm sweating inside, and it's getting worse by the second.

"Katy, you'll be all right." Ethan tries to calm me down.

"I don't know." I said, hoarsely.

"Just remember what I told you, interact with crowd, and most of all just imagine your singing in your room; where you're alone." He says.

I take a big breath and pace around the room. "Yeah, I wouldn't forget." I smile.

"No worries, I'll be out there, well I'll assist the lighting people, but don't worry I'll be watching you."

I smile. Now, I have something to worry about. At first, I thought I was just thinking that this is all the pressure talking, but to know that he's going to watch my performance, makes me feel more nervous.

After another hour, it's time. There's ok backing down, this is it. I can't turn my back now. Not that I ever thought of it. Just the fact that this whole thing making me feel nervous is really hard to dealt with.

"It's time, good luck." Ethan smiles.

I nod. I walk out of my dressing room, off to the hallway where it leads to the stage. I walk with Ethan, as I try to control my rapidly beating heart. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, which is now controlling my out of control nervous.

"You'll be all right." He smiles. I smiled back.

After a few more walk, the path has now lead us to the elevating ground stage. I hear the crowd roar, calling my name. I give both my hands a little shake, and I finally step a foot onto the square shape metal, that is going to elevate me up to the stage.

"Katy, wait before you go, I just want to say that no matter what happens to you on that stage, I'll still be here for you, nothing changes." He smiles.

It's good to know that there's still someone who cares about me that much. Except my brother and sister. He's different than the others, there's something about him that makes him unique.

"That's good to know." I smile.

I turn my back, along with the microphone on my hand. As soon as I got onto the squared ground, it elevates me up. There, I see a huge amount of crowd, screaming my name, along with their posters. I feel apprehensive, more and more.

There, I sing, and just let myself get lost in the music. As I kept on singing, I see Ethan down by the stage, assisting the lighting people as what he said. I smile at him, he smiled back. I sing and sing for about what so an hour. Of course there's breaks between songs, but the concert lasted for about an hour.

"I told you, you'll be fine. You did great." He smiles, and pat my back.

"Katy! Meet and greet." A woman yells across the room.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a sec."

"Go ahead."

"Thank you again for believing in me." I smile.

"No prob."

I left him by the hallway. I can't wait for the meet and greet. I can finally put all the things that I've learned from Ethan to the test. Greeting my Japanese fans will be awesome.

***Ethan's POV***

She left. I actually have nothing to do but to make sure that tomorrow all the materials will be in place it needs to be. So, now I can just go to the hotel that I'm assigned to, till the day after tomorrow, which is the next concert. No where other than, New Mexico. I better get some good night rest, because tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me.

As usual, I left the building, along with my stuff. Since there's not much transportation in Japan, I decided to walk instead. Not very far really, only like five to ten minutes away. That's what they always do every time Katy do her concerts. They stay by the nearby hotel, where it's secure and safe. Of course it's already planned and check.

The good thing about this concert, other than getting to spend my time with her is, where we stay. So far, I'm pleased with the hotels that I've been. That's one of the good part about this concert/tour. As soon as I arrived the front building of the hotel, all I can say is WOW! I'm sure gonna like it here.

I walk inside the building, smelling the fresh smell of red roses for some reason. It feels very calming just being inside this hotel. As soon as I got inside my room, I run towards the bed. My back pushing against the fluffy bed, makes me feel very comfortable. As I close my eyes, my phone starts to ring, which is interrupting me from my sleep.

I moan and groan, because of the annoying ringtone I have. I pick up my phone and I answer it.

"Hello who's this?" I ask.

"It's Katy, I just got out from my meet and greet, and I was just wondering where you are?"

I rub both my eyes, and I positioned myself from laying down the bed to sitting.

"I'm at the hotel, resting." I sigh.

"During my meet and greet, while I was interacting with my fans, I spoke to them in Japanese, and----- they were surprised and------ the good part is I spoke fluently, I'm just really happy, and I couldn't have done without you, thank you."

"That's great, I'm happy for you."

"I'll let you get back to rest, thanks again, and I just want you to know that you're very important to me."

She ended our phone conversation. That last word really went through my chest. She have no idea how I've been waiting for her to say that word. She totally have completed my day. I never loved anyone as much as I do towards her. I'm never letting her go.

A/N: The next chapter might be long or short but it's either one of those. If it's long, please bare with it, I just want to include very well detail of what's really happening throughout the tour. I want to bring both the main character closer together during the tour, so sorry if the following chapter is too long. Sorry.

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