Chapter 17: Four Months Later

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Chapter 17: Four Months Later

***Ethan's POV***

It has been exactly four months and a half since we saw each other. Sometimes, I think of how's she doing? Is she okay? And mostly, have she ever thought of me?

Ever since I got fired I haven't really heard from her since. She's still should be on tour because of the extensions that I caused. And I really hope that she got the letter. It says almost of what I feel and think towards her.

From this point on, I have no idea what to do. All I can think about is her. I haven't stop thinking about her since four months ago.

Over these passed months, I've been busy with my mom's business that she owns. She said, that one day I'll be in charge of everything, and making me do most of the paperwork is somehow will help me be responsible later on towards the business.

The status of my life has been pretty normal, and stable. Which now that I think about it what am I complaining for. Isn't this what I want ever since I got out of high school.

The thing is, now I'm not so sure if I still want my life to be normal and stable. Over the past months ever since I've been introduce to Katy, and since that I've seen the real Katy; my life has been exciting than what I ever thought of.

I get to go to places I've never been, and I get to do what I'm great the most; and that is architecture. And I don't think I like that to end just because I got fired. I want to keep continuing to do the things I want and good at.

"Mr. Anderson! Hello?!? I said what's next to the outline?" A voice keeps repeating inside my head.

I gave my head a little shake. And there I was back to reality and away from my long trance.

I cough. "Uhm..... So I was saying that, this side of the beach should be extended and so is the other side of it."

"What do you propose the board should do?"

"Just decide if you want the beach house to extend or not, that's it."

"We all will decide that momentarily. In the mean time why won't you work on project Sutra."

"Project Sutra?"

"It's another beach house that your mother owns, and she said specifically that she wants you to handle that one."

"Like, she wants to give it to me?"

"Precisely. But you need to work on it though, there's a lot that need to get fixed."

"I'll get right on it, soon."

"Okay, then, I guess it's a pleasure having to talk to you about business then."

"Same to you too sir." I shake his hand.

Then he left. After sitting down my temporary office that I got assigned into; I lean my head back to seat.

As I check my phone, wanting something to pop up; preferably a call from her or a text message. It has to be something. Ever since I got fired she hasn't contacted me since. Is she done with me or something, cause there's not a day where I don't think about her. If she's done with me, can she just tell me that it's done with whatever our status is, and just stop making me wait for something I don't know if it'll ever happen.

All this waiting for something that might not happen is driving me nuts. Like I can't explain.

"Hello, Sierra, I want you to cancel the rest of my meetings for today, and just jam it all in next week."

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