Chapter 27- Bad Luck.

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Chapter 27- Bad Luck.

***Ethan's POV***

Why do I keep having these bad luck? What have I done wrong? I've tried my best being the best I can be not just for myself, but to others. I still have no idea why she's furious with me. But she said to stay away from her, I can't do it.

I haven't get in touch with her for about a week now, and it's killing me. Staying away from her is probably the hardest thing I've ever done. Probably. It sure do look like it.

"The board said you fired Mr. Crater, is that true?" My mom asked, while pacing back and forth around my office.

"Yeah, mom; I did."

"Why'd you do that!?! he's one of our own valuable board member. You can't just go firing people Ethan."

"He called my a disgrace to our family, and he called me a disgrace to my father. Before you get mad maybe you should know what happened first." I said; furiously.

"What'd you do for him to say that?"

"Does it matter? it already happened. And all you care about is getting the money from this company, and you don't even care about how I think and feel."

"You know that's not true." She sighs.

The door opens. Callie.

"What's going on in here mom?" She asked.

"Nothing, your brother here just fired one of the most valuable board member of this company, now this company is toast."

"Mom, calm down. He did it for a good reason."

"Good reason huh? as usual I, the mother always have to take responsibilities for this."

I stand up, and I walk towards her. "I didn't ask for this to happened, okay mom. It just did. In case you didn't notice, I don't like handling the business just yet, okay? I'm still not ready. Ever since father died all you cared about is getting the money to this damn company."

There, she slaps my face, while looking really red.

"Mom." Callie said.

"What, it's true right Callie? our mom here just cared about money, and not even asking how our day was. I can't deal with the fact that dad has died and you're the one that has to be alive." I said, then I walk away.

I run towards the exit, not minding who I bump into. I stop by the corner, punching it; every way I can to let the anger out of me. I still punch the walk even though my knuckles covers with blood.

"Dude! stop what are you doing? Stop!" Antonio pulls me away from the wall.

"Let go of me dude!"

"Not until you tell me what's going on."

"I don't have time for this, now back the hell away from me. Don't follow me."


"Leave me alone."

I run towards the parking lot, starting the ignition of my motorcycle. I completely alienate my friends, and family. No one understands me. I need to stay away from this place.

***Antonio's POV***

After encountering Ethan, and telling me to go away, I still have no idea what the hell is going on with him. But I do know that it's not good, and I better do something about it; fast before something bad happen again like last time.

As I head inside, I see a familiar person, who's no other than Callie.

"Callie! wait up!"


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