Chapter 4

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

The entire car ride was kinda silent, but I really didn't mind it was alright because I'm use to silence and I'm nervous to be living with this family, like what if they think i'm so kind of freak?

Jacob, drove for about ten minutes and finally came to a stop at a pretty big house, it seemed like a mansion. The house seemed to have around ten rooms, and it seemed like Jacob and Mahogany seemed to be very successful.

I got off the car and grabbed my bags and Jacob offered to help me but I declined and walked behind Mahogany and Jacob into the house. The house seemed like they shared it with other people, that's great. . .

I really wonder if they have any other kids because I really aren't the type of person that gets along with everyone, because i'm not use to be around many people that like me.

I walked inside the house, and like I predicted the house was pretty amazing, and it's probably the richest place I have ever been in, considering I live with an wicked uncle and aunt, and been living in a orphanage for more than half of my life.

When I got inside they told me to sit down, and I sat down on the couch, and I felt like Katniss, when she arrived on the train before she went to the arena. The house seemed quiet which I liked.

"Here" Mahogany said and Jacob handed me a phone, which seemed to be the new iPhone 5C, and it was pink, which was one of my favorite color. I felt like this was wrong, I couldn't receive it.

"No, I can't take this" I said to them, and it seemed like this was like the third time I ever spoke to them. They laughed and shook there head.

"Don't worry, you're part of our family now" Jacob said and handed me the phone and I received it.

"Thank you" I said quietly. Then out of no where four guys walked out from the kitchen and gave me a warm smile. They seemed to be average through the ages of 16 through 18, I wonder if Mahogany and Jacob adopted them.

"You can call us mom and dad, if you'd like. We wouldn't mind." Mahogany said with a smile.

"Hey!" they all said and they all introduced themselves. I soon learned that the guys names were Nash, Shawn, Cameron and Matt. They seemed nice, but I really didn't want to talk to them.

"Do you want me to help you to your room?" Jacob asked me and I nodded my head, and he walked me to my room, and I walked in and it was actually pretty amazing.

It was already decorated to my taste, and it actually had colors that I actually liked, and it was actually perfect, this all felt like a fairy-tale to me.

"I hope you like your room, Mahogany choose the furniture and stuff" Jacob said and I was glad that Mahogany had all the things for me.

"Thank you, it's perfect" I said to him.

"Well, why don't you get all your things organized and we'll call you down for dinner when it's ready?" he said and I nodded.

** Mahogany's POV & Thoughts **

"Who's that?" Nash asked.

"She's our daughter, her name is Angie" Jacob said as he walked down from upstairs.

"Oh, I expected her to be I don't know, a little girl?" Cameron said.

"Well, we wanted to adopt the person that's been there the longest, and it was her" I said and they nodded.

"Just, give her some space guys, she really needs it" Jacob said and it was true, she was really shy and nervous.

"Well, I can't wait to meet her" Matt said.

"We really don't know much about her, hopefully she'll open up to us during dinner" I said.

I walked to the couch and noticed a book, more like a songbook to be accurate. I opened it and there were lots of songs, that I've never heard of. Songs like "West Coast" and "Dark Paradise" .

"Hey, Shawn is this yours?" I said and handed him the book.

"No, I think it might belongs to Angie, because it has her name on it on the back" he said and it did.

I decided to run upstairs and she was taking a shower, so I just placed it on her bed and went back downstairs.

A/N:Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.

QOTC: Do you think Angie will open up to them ?

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