Chapter 80

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A/N: idk maybe I recommend watching the 'Born To Die' music video before reading so you can get like a visual of this chapter idk.

** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

"Taylor, you're dressing room is over there and Angie yours is over there" a lady said pointing at two different directions. I walked toward the dressing room and got in. They did some make up and my hair.

I walked out of a dressing room and I was wearing a long white nightgown, white heels and a blue flower crown.

"Okay, Angie you're going to sit on that throne and you'll sing the lyrics and we'll record you okay?" Bill said and I nodded my head. I walked toward the throne and sat down.

"Action" Bill said and they began to record and I sang. After singing some lines, over and over again, he told me to stop.

"Everything is perfect, we just need to redo some scenes" he said.

"Yes, sounds good with me" I said.

"When you say 'Let's go get high' I want you to use your left hand to symbolize a blunt or cigarette in your hand and pretend to smoke it" he said.

"Action" he said.

"Let's go get high" inside and did as instructed and did what Bill wanted me to.

"Now, when you say we were born to die, use your thumb to pretend to slice your neck" he said and I nodded my head.

"Action" he said.

"Cause you and we were born to die" I said and did what I was instructed to.

"Perfect, we have enough footage for these scenes now let's get the room scene" he said.

I walked back into the dressing room and changed out of the gown into a smaller white dress. I wasn't going to wear and shoes or anything since I was going to be on a bed.

"You looked totally like a queen" Mahogany said.

"Thanks" I said.

"Fierce" Cameron and Nash said. I walked towards the next set and the scene.

"Okay now lay on this bed" he said. I did as he said. Then I sat on the bed. Then I laid back down on the bed and then Taylor walked in and laid next to me and they filmed it. They had Taylor wrap his hand around my neck, like he was about to choke me. It was kinda awkward since he didn't have a shirt on.

"Angie, head back into the dressing room, you too Taylor" Bill said and we went back into our separate rooms.

I got out of the dress and changed into:

Blue Shorts

White Vest with sleeves

Red Converse

I guess I felt very exposed since I wasn't wearing anything under the vest except for my red bra. I walked out of the dressing room and Aaron, Cameron and Nash were eyeing me. Jacob looked like he was going to kill me.

"You're exposed, what's wrong with you?" Jacob asked.

"Uh. Music video?" I said.

"Gosh, this is crazy" Jacob said and Mahogany was just laughing.

"Here you can wear my shirt for a while" Hayes said taking his shirt off.

"I'm fine" I said, I didn't really want to wear Hayes' sweaty shirt.

"See Taylor isn't exposed or anything" Jacob said pointing at Taylor who was wearing Blue Jeans, Grey Tank Top, and Black Converse.

"Angie, Taylor we need to hit the road, and go to the next location" Bill said.

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