Chapter 9

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A/N: I changed MagCon Las Vegas to MagCon Atlanta :)

** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

"Let's go!" Mahogany said and we walked to her car and she started driving to the mall.

"So what's your favorite thing to do?" Mahogany asked as she drove.

"Um, not sure, you?" I asked her.

"Hanging out with the guys and having fun" she said and she honestly seemed to be perfect in my eyes.

"Sounds good" I said to her.

"Look, I know that you might not feel comfortable with us, and we understand, but I really am trying my best for you to like me" she said and I nodded.

"Thanks" I said to her and she smiled and kept on driving.

"Do you want to eat something or go shopping first?" she asked.

"Uh. Shopping" I said.

"Hey can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure, what's up?" she said.

"What's MagCon and are you guys famous or something?" I asked her.

"It's a Meet and Greet convention and we tour a lot and I guess you could say that because all the guys are social media famous and we get lots of opportunities so it's great" she said.

"Oh, sounds cool" I said to her.

"We're here" she said and we got off and walked inside the mall.

"Let's get you new clothes!" she cheered and we walked inside Rue 21.

We ended up going to around seven stores and Mahogany and I carried around tens bags each and more than half of the clothes belonged to me. We also went to Vans and other shoes stores and I got around seven pairs of shoes.

Honestly, I learned so much about Mahogany, and I guess you could say that I opened up to her a bit and she probably knows more about me, which is fine with me.

"Let's go take these to the car and we can go inside and go to the food court and get something to eat" she said and it was around two so why not.

We went to the car and we put all the bags in the car and we locked it and walked back inside and walked up to the food court.

We decided to go to Chipotle and I got a beef burrito and Mahogany got some tacos and we ate our food and it was actually the best mexican food i've ever tasted.

"Thanks for everything, Mahogany. I really mean it" I said to her.

"No problem! That's what I'm here for and so is Jacob!" she said and I smiled.

"Thanks" I said with a smile.

"So now that you trust me more than before, are you singer?" she said with a smirk.

"Maybe" I said.

"Well Shawn says your amazing" she said with a wink.

"Hey baby" I heard a voice say and I turned around and two guys said walking up to us. They were attractive, I'd say that but they looked like total jerks.

"What you single ladies doing?" the other guys said to Mahogany.

"Dude back off, I'm taken" Mahogany said and the dude grabbed her arm, pretty violently. Instantly memories flushed through my head, my uncle grabbing me, my aunt grabbing me, bullies grabbing me. For some reason I got pretty mad, and grabbed my soda and dumped on the dude who was grabbing Mahogany.

"You bitch!" he shouted and pushed me, and I kinda awkwardly fell and literally landed on my face, which hurt a lot.

Once again, all the thoughts of harassment and abuse I've received from many people got me anxious and nervousness took over my body and I guess you could say I started panicking.

I got up shoved them out our way and grabbed Mahogany by the arm and literally ran with her to the bathroom. The guys probably left us because they didn't bother chasing us, which I'm completely fine.

I don't why but I started crying, like a baby. Probably the most embarrassing thing I've ever done in front of Mahogany. I literally wiped my eyes every second as they tried to escape my eyes.

"Don't worry girl" Mahogany said with a hug and I hugged her back. For some reason it made me feel much much more better and I stopped crying.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt badly?" she asked.

"My mouth really hurts, especially my braces" I said to her.

"Let's take you to the dentist" she said and we walked out with any trouble and got in the car and she started driving.

My mouth literally felt like someone kicked me in the mouth like twenty times. Mahogany drove for about ten minutes and I could see the dentist from the car.

"Hey, thanks for helping me out there" she said mentioning the little drama with had with those jerks in the food court.

We arrived at the dentist and we waited for about twenty minutes until my named was called and we walked into the dentist and he asked about my mouth and stuff and he looked at my mouth.

"Well, I don't know if you knew but you don't need braces anymore, and we'll be getting them off" he said.

I laid in the chair and he began to do his work and it took around thirty minutes to get them off and it was a bit painful, but I was glad to get them off.

We thanked the dentist and left and I had to admit it felt amazing to get rid of my braces, because they bothered me like crazy,

"You look great!" Mahogany complimented.

"Thanks" I said back.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.

QOTC: Do you guys want her to be more open or shut everyone out?

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