Chapter 90

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** Mahogany's POV & Thoughts **

"Do we have all the paperwork filled out?" Jacob asked me as we walked into the house. It was around 10:23 and I was surprised that mostly everyone was probably in their rooms asleep. Well the house was quiet.

"Yea, I just have to fill some things out and we'll be officially divorced when I'm done" I said with a sigh.

"Okay" Jacob said and we walked upstairs.

I opened up Angie's door a little just to see if she was home or not, kinda creepy.

"Is she crying?" Jacob whispered.

"Yea shhhh" I said.

"I can hear you guys, I'm fine. Just processing all this so goodnight" Angie said and we closed her door. Jacob and I went downstairs toward kitchen where Matt and Shawn were eating.

"I thought everyone was asleep" I said.

"Nash and Cam aren't here" Matt said.

"They probably went to go do things to get their mind off things" Shawn said.

"Oh" Jacob said.

"Tonight was brutal" I said.

"Sure was" Matt said.

"Is Angie still crying?" Matt asked.

"Sadly yes" Jacob said.

"Yea, shes thinking about things" I said.

"Oh, I don't think shes crying cause of what happened" Matt said.

"Then why would she be crying?" I asked.

"She and Jeremiah broke up" Shawn said.

"I knew it" Jacob said running out of the door.

"Wait" I said but too late Jacob was already out of the door.

"Wow, didn't ever expect Jeremiah to hurt her like that" I said disappointed.

"He didn't" Shawn said.

"Angie dumped Jeremiah" Matt said.

"Oh my gosh really?" I asked shocked.

"Yea, poor guy" Shawn said.

** Jacob's POV & Thoughts **

"Then why would she be crying?" Mahogany asked.

"She and Jeremiah broke up" Shawn said.

"I knew it" I said running out of the door. I'm going to break his face and make me him know that I don't want him ever touching Angie. I heard someone one shout 'wait' but I ignored it and got into the car.

I turned the engine on and starting driving to this bastard's house. I'm mad that all this drama happened, I'm sad that I'm divorcing with Mahogany, and now Angie's heartbroken? I'm going to use my anger on this dude.

I arrived soon at his house and knocked on his door, and moments later Tate opened the door.

"Is Jeremiah home?" I asked.

"Yes, but he's not in the mood" he said.

"I need to talk to him" I said.

"Come another day" Tate said.

"Its urgent" I said.

"Fine" Tate said allowing me to walk into the house.

"Thanks" I said walking inside and there was no sign of Jeremiah in the living room.

"Where's Jeremiah?" I asked.

"In his room" Tate said.

"Go upstairs, farthest room down the hallway, and to the left" he said and I walked upstairs and did what he instructed me to go.

I knocked on the door and no one replied. Am I knocking on the right door? I knocked again, I bet this pussy is hiding from me.

I opened the door, hoping that he wasn't naked or doing anything that I shouldn't invade.

He had his back facing towards me and was just standing there.

"You dick" I said shoving him and he turned around and wiped some tears away. Was he crying? Wait what?

"How may I help you?" Jeremiah mumbled.

"You broke me daughter's heart" I said shoving him lightly.

"No I didn't" he defended. Lier and a pussy, great.

"Yes you did" I said.

"She broke up with me, and I'm the one heartbroken" he shouted at me.

"Lies" I said both angrily and confused.

"Yo, Jacob. Street fighter outside" Tate said.

"You're brother is a" I said but Tate interrupted me.

"Right, Angie broke up with him. So go back home and take a chill pill man" Tate said.

"Wait what?" I asked.

"She broke up with me because she thought it was best and here I am sobbing for her" Jeremiah said with a weak chuckle.

"I thought it was the other way around" I said awkwardly.

"Well your wrong" Tate said.

"I'm sorry dude" I said to Jeremiah.

"Its all good, it was great while it lasted" he said.

"Yea, take care. Hopefully I'll see you guys soon" I said awkwardly and walked downstairs and left and got into my car. I feel so bad, I was about to beat the shit out of him.

** Jeremiah's POV & Thoughts **

"Yea take care. Hopefully i'll see you guys around soon" Jacob said and left in rush out of the house.

I walked towards the couch and just sat there and Tate sat next to me.

"Was I good enough for her?" I asked, questioning myself.

"You were, things just didn't work out" Tate said.

"I honestly was very happy with her, best months of my life" I said with a smile.

"I bet" Tate said.

"Well, here let's eat some ice cream and we can catch up on my shows on Netflix" Tate said rubbing my back.

"No, I'm gonna go head to the gym, got a photo shoot tomorrow anyway" I said standing up.

"Oh, have fun then train hard" Tate said.

"Wanna come?" I asked him.

"Me at the gym?" he asked.

"Yea" I said.

"Never" he said with a laugh.

"How on earth are you fit and you eat like an elephant?" I asked. Since I work out almost everyday.

"I was blessed with a fast metabolism" he said rubbing his stomach.

"Well I'm off to the gym" I said with a laugh. I started jogging walking towards the gym.

All I had in my mind was that I'll love Angie Whitesides till the end of time even if she felt differently.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.
QOTC: Hot Summer days or cold winter days? (more of a fall person)

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