Chapter 36

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

Right now I'm eating Breakfeast with Mahogany and Jacob.

"I don't want you to leave" Mahogany said with a frown.

"I don't either" Jacob said.

"Its fine, I don't deserve to be here anyways" I said.

"Yes you do" Mahogany said.

"According to Bart I'm not" I said with a laugh.

"Don't worry he's a dick" Jacob said.

"You can't talk bad about your boss, only I can now and the world" I said.

"But seriously you're good enough for the world, even better" Mahogany said.

"Thanks guys" I said to them.

"It's the truth" Jacob said.

"Why do you guys even work with Bart?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" they said.

"You're kidding right?" I responded.

"Kinda" they said.

"Well, all Bart wants is money and that's all that matters for him" I said.

"He kicked me out because I wasn't as interesting so I wouldn't get money for him" I continued.

"I guess" Mahogany said.

"Like I feel like he doesn't care about making people happy, just the money. You guys are like his little toys" I said.

"I know, but we like doing what we're doing" Jacob said.

"I know you guys do. I'm proud of you both for doing what you love for the right purposes" I said.

"Thanks" they both said and gave me a hug.

"All i'm trying to say is that Bart can be a good person, but he's selfish" I said.

"It's okay, we get what you mean." Mahogany said.

"Great thing that you get to interact with the fans and travel" I said to them.

"Yea thats the best part" Jacob said.

"That's all great" I said to them.

"So today I'm suppose to fly back home" I said to them.

"Yea, who are you going to go with? I don't want you to go alone" Jacob said.

"I don't know, I need to see and think" I said to them.

"I'm going to go and go walk around and think" I said to them and cleaned up.

"Alright, talk to us if you think of something" Mahogany said.

I walked and went to the lobby and sat down and started thinking. Should ask Ryan to company me? No, he has his own things to do.

I don't think Jacob will let me go alone. I was about to go outside and walk but I got a text message.

It was from Jeremiah! Yay!

J: Hey. How ya doin?

A: great, you?

J: Great

A: i'm glad you're good

J: how's the Magcon business

A: Complicated, how's your "business"

J: Just finished it up actually, I'm heading home today.

Maybe I can go back home with Jeremiah!

A: Well, I kinda have to go home now and my dad doesn't want me to go home alone...

J: Well I can look after you!

A: Are you sure? I don't want to bother

J: Not at all darling, I'm a loner and I would like company

A: okay, great. What time is your flight.

J: my flight leaves at 6:25, make sure you get a ticket for the same time!

A: Alright, thanks so much Jeremiah

J: My pleasure, see ya soon

A: see ya!

Yay! I get to go home without having Jacob worried about me.

I went back to where Mahogany and Jacob were and thankfully they were still there.

"Guys, I have someone to go home with!" I said.

"Please, don't tell me you just found a random stranger" Jacob said.

"No, i'll be going home with a friend of mine" I said.

"That's great" Mahogany said.

"Who's the friend?" Jacob asked.

"My friend, his name is Jeremiah" I said.

"Who's Jeremiah?" Jacob asked.

"He's my friend who I met in the plane" I said.

"He seems odd and suspicious" Jacob said.

"Jacob he's my friend!" I defended him.

"Just my opinion" Jacob said.

"Mahogany say something" I said to her.

"Jacob, if she trusts him, then we trust him also" Mahogany said.

"Alright alright, what time for the flight?" he asked.

"6:25" I said and he typed the info on his phone.

"Alright, I'll get you the ticket electronically" he said.

"Thanks, I'm sorry again, for having to leave" I said.

"Its fine, we're just happy that you'll be having the album done soon" Mahogany reminded me.

"It'll probably be done soon, I just need to go over the songs and make the final touches" I said.

"We're happy for you" Jacob said.

"Thanks, well I should go get packing" I said to them.

"We'll come help" Jacob offered.

"No, you guys spend some alone time and rest you guys need it." I said to them.

"Okay, thanks. Call us if you need anything" Mahogany said.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.

QOTC: Mahogany or Jacob?

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