I love you.

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Hey, beautiful! Thanks for reading my book. I know I should be writing and not be saying these type of things but whatever!

I just went through the comments of " Bullied by Magcon Guys" and it literally broke my heart reading through chapter 2.

I literally just cried my eyes out reading the comments. It breaks my heart knowing that theres many people in the world who are feeling negative and hurting themselves. I honestly can't stop crying.

I honestly just messaged around more than thirty beautiful girls and letting them know that they are worth being here. I don't care if I have to message more than a 1000 people. I want to help anyone no matter what!

I'm sorry if you're going through stuff and I didn't message you! you're still beautiful and you should be in this planet.

I just want to let everyone know that if your having a tough time in your life that I'm so sorry.

I love you and so do many other people! I know things seem bad but they'll get better eventually . Smile through the hate and prove them wrong! Show them that you won't let their harmful words impact you! show them that you can live life the fullest with the hate! show them that you can do things even with the hate. they want to make you feel like shit, but show them that they are the SHIT, by smiling and pretending that they aren't there. It may not be easy but its worth giving it a try!

things dont seem like they'll get better but trust me they will eventually even if it takes a while to get here. Just stay strong for more years and you'll be an adult and you can move away and make new friends somewhere else!

If this doesnt happen to you then you can help! If you see bullying going stand up for the person! Or if you don't have the confidence to stand up to the bully then after the scene is over talk to the victim and make sure they're okay!

You could be saving a life. And to all the bullies in the world i just want let you know that what you're doing is disgusting and I know that you can change and do the right thing!

Words hurt more than a physical action.

Maybe your asking why I know this? I've been clean for more than three months. I don't hurt myself by doing something I'm passionate about which is writing here on wattpad! :D I still have my negative days but hey i'll ignore them and be me!

Always do what you want to do even if people dont support you because your doing this for you no one else!

If you feel like you don't make a difference in the world then guess what! you actually do without you I wouldn't be writing these fanfiction and I wouldn't be hurting myself! SO THANK YOU READER FOR KEEPING ME HAPPY.

Yes I know I get the hate but whatever I'm still here smiling and writing.

PLEASE IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO MESSAGE ME AND WE CAN TALK. You'll be anonymous and you can feel safe to message me and talk.

Trust me I can help, I've gone through bullying and so many other things, I know how it feels and I'm here to help.


Stay strong and beautiful xox

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