Chapter 28

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** Days Later ** (sorry, I just want to skip some days)

** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

Well the past days have been crazy! These past days have been full of fun and excitement and I will never forget these days. It was so much fun spending time with all the guys and Mahogany.

"Angie! Hurry, bring your stuff down now! Our plane leaves in like in an hour and thirty minutes!" Mahogany shouted from downstairs. So I think tomorrow or in two days MagCon starts and I'm so excited ...

"Coming!" I shouted back as I gathered my accessories and shoes.

I took one last look at my room, and I grabbed my laptop, turned the lights off and walked downstairs.

"Do you need help?" Jacob asked as he walked up to me as I dragged my luggage with me.

"Please" I said and he carried some of my luggage to the taxi.

I walked to the taxi put my luggage in the trunk and got inside with Jacob and Mahogany. If you're wondering about Matt, Shawn, Nash, Cameron they're taking another taxi to the airport.

We were probably going to be in the taxi for about twenty minutes till we arrived at the airport.

"Jacob, Mahogany I love you guys so much, I can't thank you guys enough for every single thing you guys have done for me" I said giving them a hug.

"We love you so much too" Mahogany said.

"We're grateful to have you with us" Jacob said.

"Thanks, but I really mean it, I really haven't been this happy for a long time" I said.

"You're one of the greatest things that has happened to us" Mahogany said.

"You really are, you made our bond closer and we both care about you so much" Jacob said.

"Oh, stop. I'm going to cry" I said playfully.

"I'm glad we have you" Mahogany said.

"I'm thankful that you guys adopted me" I said to them.

"Sorry, to ask this again but have you though about the album and singing?" Jacob asked.

"Let's talk about that before we get all emotional" Mahogany said with a laugh.

"I honestly don't think I'll release songs, maybe I will one day but not today" I said.

"How many songs do you have written if you don't mind us asking?" Jacob asked.

"Around more than 10 songs" I said.

"See you can make an album!" Mahogany said.

"I know but I'm still not sure" I said back.

"Well, we won't stop bugging you until you sing a song for us" Jacob said.

"Well you'll need to try harder" I said to them.

"So are you excited for MagCon?" Mahogany asked.

"I guess" i said with a laugh.

"Why's that?" Jacob asked concerned.

"I don't know I mean, I don't know what to expect. Your fans don't know me at all, what if they don't like me" I said.

"They'll like you don't worry" Mahogany said.

"So when is it officially starting?" I asked them.

"Tomorrow, so this week is going to be tiring" Jacob said. Well, for you. While you all perform I'll be taking a hot bath while eating something sweet and watching Netflix.

"Do I have to go on stage?" I asked.

"YES!" Mahogany said and Jacob nodded his head.

"Why?" I said.

"I'm the only girl on stage and you can make me feel better" she said.

"No, I don't want to" I said.

"Come on you'll have a great time" Jacob said.

"I'll pass" I said.

Time went by and we finally arrived at the airport and we all got out and carried our luggage.

We got the tickets and stuff, and now we had to wait for about thirty minutes so we could get on the plane.

Nash, Cameron, Matt, Shawn, Hayes all came walking toward us and they say down with us. I really wonder why Hayes is with us since he was suppose to go on the same plane with the other guys an hour ago.

"Guess, who missed their flight!" Nash said pointing to Hayes and everyone started laughing.

"So, I was in the bathroom and the plane left" Hayes said in a pissed tone.

"It's okay Hayes. You'll just fly with us no biggie" Mahogany said.

"OMG ITS THOSE GUYS FROM MAGCON" a heard some girls shout and they gathered around them and I just laughed. Sucks to be them.

I awkwardly left the crowd and I had to go to the bathroom. While the other guys took pics and signed stuff I walked down to the bathroom.

I walked down to the bathroom, and got into a stall and did my business, got out washed my hands. Dried my hands all of sudden i heard someone shout "I FOUND HER". Who did they find?? Beyoncé??

I was about to walk out of the bathroom, when about twelve girls walked in and they looked like they were dying and had to go to the bathroom. Good luck to them when theres like four bathroom stalls in here.

"OMG can I get a picture?" "OMG sign my phone case" "OMG I want your face" I heard them shout. These girls are lost.

I tried to walk out again when around ten more girls walked inside saying similar things.

"Wait are you guys talking to me?" I asked confused.

"YESS" They all shouted together.

"Why me?" I asked still confused.

"Well you're part of MagCon and we can't wait to see you at MagCon and your parents are Jacob and Mahogany." they shouted.

I then awkwardly took pictures with some and then signed some things and gave them hugs.

I then got a call and it was from Jacob. "OMG IS THAT YOUR DAD JACOB?" They screamed with excitement.

"Uh.. Yea" I said and answered the call.

J: Where are you Angie?! Are you okay? Did you get kidnapped!!?

A: I'm kinda stuck in the bathroom with your fans

J: I'll send Mahogany over to go rescue you

A: Thank you.

I then signed and took more pictures and talked with some of them.

"Angie??" Mahogany said trying to get through the crowd.

"OMG ITS MAHOGANY" They cheered.

"We have to go we need to get on the plane" she shouted.

"Guys, sorry I need to go" I said and got out of the bathroom with Mahogany and we used force to get out because they wouldn't let us go.

Mahogany and I grabbed our luggage and walked toward the gates with around twenty girls walking behind us.

Before we crossed the gate to get on the plane we took some more pictures and signed things with the fans.

We finally walked through and we now had to wait for the boys to come through.

"That was crazy" I said.

"I told you that they would love you!" she said with a smile.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.

QOTC: Would you rather travel by plane or car?
Hayes and Angie won't fall in love in this story . Sorry.
This has almost thirty chapters and I don't think this story isn't even like halfway done lol!

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