Chapter 54

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

"Okay, Angie. The violinists need to know if these notes are the ones you like" a man said and the band played some notes.

"Yea, this sounds great" I said to them. I didn't want to be rude, I should be grateful that I have a band and stuff, but I really want to leave. I've been here for an hour and it's like 9:21.

"Are you planning to have a tour?" they asked.

"I'm not even sure about that" I said.

"The band is going to also start practicing the songs that you gave us that aren't in the album, is that alright?" he asked.

"Yes, that's fine with me" I said.

"Okay, I think that's all we needed you for" a lady said.

"Okay, cool" I said grabbing my bag.

"Oh, here. Call this number whenever you need help, this is the number to your bodyguards" the lady said handing me a piece of paper.

"Okay, thanks. I don't think i'll need it" I said. Since I think I'm capable of taking care of myself.

"It's just for your safety Mrs. Whitesides, have a good night" she said.

"Thanks, have good night everyone" I said waving and making my way to Jeremiah's truck.

I got in the truck, turned it on and made my way to Taylor's place. I drove through the highway and made it to the neighborhood they lived in. I got a few text messages, and I ignored them till I got off the vehicle because texting and driving is bad.

I looked at the text messages and they were from Jeremiah:

J: hiiii babe I need to see my turtle

J: r u coming I need chocolate

J: Taylor has nice socks

I laughed at the stupid texts and looked at the house. It still looked the same. No loud music, seemed more like a book club.

I walked up to the door and knocked. I waited for about a minutes and there was no answer. I got a text from Hayes saying: just come in

I read it and walked inside and it was literally a mess. Balloons everywhere, beer bottles and cans everywhere. These guys didn't really have a party but they got wasted.

"Hey, bubbles" someone said putting there arm around my neck and I knew it was Aaron.

"Aaron, get off me, you're drunk" I said pushing him off lightly, but I guess he was too drunk that he fell to the ground. So much for being the innocent one.

I looked around and found Jeremiah on the couch with Taylor drinking beer and they honestly looked funny but they obviously drank to much.

"Hayes!" I shouted because i'm pretty sure he's to innocent to be drinking at age 13.

"What?" Hayes said as he came downstairs.

"What do you mean what? Is everyone drunk and wasted?" I asked.

"Pretty much" he said as if it was nothing to worry about.

"Why didn't you call me to come here" I asked as I started picking up some of the beers off the ground.

"I was too lazy" Hayes said grabbing a soda from the fridge.

"Hey! don't talk to my mom like that Angie" Taylor stumbled his way to the kitchen.

"Taylor g-" I said but soon was interrupted by Hayes.

"Yes, i'm his mother. Taylor, hun can I have twenty bucks?" he asked giving me a serious look.

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