Chapter 22

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

I went to the kitchen wet the cigarette with water, just in case it doesn't burn up or something in the trash can. Then I threw it away, went upstairs to my room and brushed my teeth and went back down to the living room and started watching the TV.

Moments later Shawn came back from outside, for some reason I feel like he did something, but whatever.

"Here you left this" he said handing me my songbook.

"Oh thanks" I said awkwardly placing it next to me.

"Don't worry, I didn't open it or anything" he said with a laugh, but I felt like he did.

"Alright" I said and kept on watching the TV.

"So, aren't you going to get ready?" I asked Shawn.

"For?" he asked.

"We're going over to the other guys' house" I said to him.

"So?" he questioned while he was on his phone.

"Don't you want to look good or something?" I asked confused.

"I can get ready like in under five minutes" he said with a laugh.

"Okay" I said with a laugh.

I checked my phone and I had a text from Mahogany:

M: Hey I hope you're alright, we'll probably be home in like an hour

A: I am thanks :) Shawn's here lol

Oh yea did I mention that I mastered the ways of texting?

M: Oh really? Okay, we'll I'll see you soon :) bye

A: Byee:)

"So are you excited for MagCon?" he asked me.

"Why should I?" I questioned. I really don't know why I should since I've never been to one of their events or am part of it.

"Well you're in the MagCon family" he said.

"I haven't been to any of your guys events, and I'm already part of it?" I said with a laugh.

"So, you're still in it" he said.

"Alright" I said.

"Yea, the next MagCon is like in a week but we usually leave to the the place a couple days early" he said.

"Cool" I said like I was interested.

"Yea, we're going to MagCon Atlanta soon" he said and I just nodded and decided to go on twitter and see what people tweeted.

"Come take a selfie with me!" he said.

"A what?" I asked.

"A selfie" he said opening his camera on his phone.

"You mean a picture?" I asked.

"Yea, same thing" he said and got closer to me.

He had his phone in an angle and took a picture of us, I was smiling like a normal person and he had his tongue stuck out and he was doing the peace sign.

"I'm gonna upload it up my medias" he said and I just nodded.

"So how come you smoke?" he asked me.

"Cause, are you going to tell my parents?" I said back.

"Nah, but it's not good for you even if you smoke it a little" he said with a worried face.

"Why do you care?" I asked back.

"Cause, it can kill you" he said back.

"That's the point" I said to him and he looked at me weirdly.

"You want to die? That's why you smoke?" he asked with a sad tone.

"I've been through so much and experienced a lot, and we were born to die anyways" i said with a laugh and he looked at me like he was going to cry.

"Well, I was for sure not everyone" I said with a smile.

"No you weren't meant to die" he said.

"Whatever, let's just watch some tv?" I said and he nodded.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.
QOTC: What's your favorite TV Show?

P.S: All the other MagCon guys aren't Angie uncles lol. Jacob and Mahogany's sibling are her uncles and aunts.

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