Chapter 57

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

We arrived back at the house and we all just chilled in the living room.

"Angie, what record label are you signed to?" Mahogany asked as we walked into the living room.

"Interscope and Polydor Records" I replied sitting on the couch.

"And have you be notified about anything?" Jacob asked.

"No why?" I asked.

"The record label just announced that you're having a tour to 12 cities across America" Matt said and everyone congratulated me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Seriously" Mahogany said.

"That's going to take a lot of energy out of me" I groaned.

"Oh it well" Shawn said.

"It's just like performing at MagCon, except you'll have all the stage to you" Cameron said.

"And you'll be singing for an hour" Nash said.

"So much work" I said.

"But you get to meet your fans!" Jacob.

"That's good" I said.

"When do I start?" I asked.

"It says on this letter that you start in two days" Jacob said reading off the letter.

"You're kidding right?" I said.

"I barely sold the album, and i'm required to have a tour so soon?" I asked.

"Yea, a lot people liked the album and now they want to see live shows" Mahogany said.

"When does this tour start?" I asked.

"In two days" they responded.

"What's the first city?" I asked.

"Here in LA" Jacob replied.

"Okay, cool" I said.

"Anyways we leave in like three or four days for MagCon, Bart finished what he was doing, so now we're headed to Vegas" Mahogany said.

"Sounds fun, it's Vegas" I said.

"Yea, I'm excited to go because it's vegas!" Shawn said.

"Yea, we're gonna turn it up!" Nash said.

"Except you're not 18" I said.

"We can still do other things" Matt said.

"Well, Jeremiah and I are going to be in my room. Call us if you need anything" I said walking with Jeremiah up to my room.

"I'm so tired" Jeremiah said laying on my bed.

"Of what?" I asked laying next to him.

"Nothing, but i'm so tired" he said while he was on his phone.

"S-" I didn't even get to say a word, Jeremiah interrupted me.

"Oh my gosh! I made it! I made it!" he cheered.

"Made it into what?" I asked, hoping that he made it to what I really wanted him to make it in.

"I made it into freakin' Survivor! I can't believe it, I actually made it in!" he cheered.

"Congrats!" I said giving him a hug and we ended up kissing, which I obviously don't mind.

"Wait, how did I make it, without auditioning?" he asked looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Well, I think someone turned in the audition tape you made" I said with a laugh.

"I told you not to submit it!" he complained.

"Who cares! You're going to be on your favorite show!" I said.

"Thanks so much, I love you" he said kissing me.

"I love you too, you deserved to be on the show" I said.

"I'm so happy" he said with a big smile on his face.

"I'm glad you are" I said.

"Well, it's time to gain weight and not shave for a while" he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Models. Are always targeted on the show" he said.

"Ohh" I said.

"Dang, I forgot now that you have the tour, you won't be able to see my family in North Carolina" he said with a sigh.

"Oh, really?" I asked.

"Yea, my family wanted to meet you" he said.

"Don't worry then, i'll just have a concert in North Carolina, the answer to our problem" I said.

"Good" he said.

"So, if you don't mind talking about something personal, i'd like to ask you some things about your brother Connor" he said.

"Alright, what do you want to know?" I replied.

"How old is he?" he asked.

"He's like 19 or 20. He was four years older than me" I replied.

"And is h-" Jeremiah was going to ask something but I interrupted him.

"Jeremiah, i'm sorry. I don't want to talk about this actually" I said.

"Oh okay, I understand" he replied.

Later throughout the day Jeremiah and I just chilled in my room, and we hung out with the other guys, and had dinner, etc.

"So you're not gonna stay over?" I asked Jeremiah as he walked to toward the door.

"I can't sorry, I have some things to do tomorrow" he replied.

"Alright, bye" I said.

"Bye, love you" he said giving me a kiss and walking to his truck, and driving away.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.
QOTC: What's your favorite TV show? [i love reality tv show lol]

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