Chapter 29

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

The boys finally came through and the crowd of girls were going crazy.

We walked to the stairs and we walked inside the plane. I was behind everyone and everyone got seated.

Mahogany, Jacob, Cameron, Nash sat in a row together. Shawn, Matt, Hayes, and this random lady sat in the same row with them.

And of course the one and only Hayes Grier takes my seat... All the seats by the guys were taken so i guess either Hayes or I need to sit somewhere else.

"Hayes, that's my seat" I said to him and he frowned.

"I know but I want to sit here. Please" Hayes said.

"Please, take a seat" a flight attendant said.

"Alright" I said and looked for the next empty seat and it was next to this guy.

"Hey, would you mind if I sat here?" I asked.

"No not at all" he said with a smile and I sat down next to him.

"I'll be back" I said and stood back up and walked over to where Jacob and Mahogany were sitting.

"Hey, just to let you know, my seat was taken, so i'll be seating over there" I said pointing to the seat I was at.

"Alright. Don't do anything weird" Jacob said.

"Okay, well hope you enjoy the flight" Mahogany said with a smile and I nodded.

I walked through the aisle and Hayes winked at me and pointed to the guy.

I sat back down and just admired the people
around me.

"Howdy, My name is Jeremiah Wood" Jeremiah said with a smile. I could tell he was a country boy just by his accent and looks.

"My name is Angie Whitesides" I said back.

"Quite a lovely name, for a beautiful gal" he said.

"Thank you" I said back.

"Please turn off all electronics until we say its okay to turn them back on" the flight attendant said and I turned off my laptop and phone.

I assume everyone turned off their electronics and the plane started to move and it gave my stomach and weird feeling.

We were in the sky for about three minutes when the flight attendant said "Okay. You may use your electronics now".

I turned my laptop and phone on and opened Twitter and saw that so many people were excited for MagCon Atlanta.

"So whatcha gonna do in Atlanta?" he asked as he turned his phone on.

"Oh, well my parents are in this thing called MagCon and yea. I have to go with them and its my first time" I said.

"Oh, I've never really heard of that, but it sounds fun" he said back.

"What are you going to do in Atlanta?" I asked.

"Just going to do some business, I have to do" he replied. I wanted to ask him what "business" but its probably his problem not mine.

"Sounds great" I said.

"So you live here in Los Angeles?" he asked.

"Yea, you?" I asked him.

"Same here" he said back.

Jeremiah was a beautiful guy. He had blue eyes and brown hair and a beautiful country voice. Damn.

"So how old are you?" I asked.

"17, you?" he asked.

"15" I said back.

"Why don't we get to know each other? if that okay with you?" he asked back.

"Sounds great" I said back.

"So what do you enjoy to do?" he asked.

"I like to sing and write, you?" I said back.

"I like being in the outdoors" he said.

"So where are you from?" I asked.

"Texas, you?" he said back with his amazing accent.

"California" I said back.


Jeremiah and I talked and talked more and honestly Jeremiah was a great, sweet guy. He was charming and respectful. We literally talked throughout the whole plane ride and I really wish it didn't end.

"We will be landing shortly" the flight attendant said.

"Uh.. Here." I said handing him my phone. He smiled and typed his phone number. He handed my his phone and I typed my number in his.

"I'll make sure, we keep in touch and we can hangout, sometime" he said and I nodded.

The plane came to a stop, and I grabbed my bag and Jeremiah and I walked out of the plane and we were now waiting for our luggage.

Time went fast and Jeremiah's luggage came and he had everything with him and he had to go.

"It was great getting to meet ya" he said.

"It was great meeting you too" I said back.

"Well, this is goodbye for now" he said with a sweet smile.

"Okay, goodbye" I said back.

"Hug?" he asked with welcoming arms. I nodded and gave him and hug. And honestly his hugs were amazing.

"I'll talk to you soon" he said and walked away and I was a bit sad.

"So who was that?" Mahogany asked with a wink.

"Just a friend" I said with a smile.

"ANGIE HAS A BOYFRIEND" Hayes shouted and Jacob looked like he was going to choke him.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.
QOTC: Adopted by JOX or Love or Enemy?

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