Chapter 7

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

I woke up early and it was around 7:34 and I couldn't go back to sleep so I took a quick warm shower, and got out.

I grabbed my outfit which was just:

Blue Jeans

Black Converse

"Yolo" Sweater

I applied some mascara that I found in the bathroom and left my hair to stand naturally.

It was still early so I decided to practice my vocals, i knew no one was awake because the house was completely silent. So I decided to practice my vocals by singing one of my songs.

I went through at least ten different songs that i've written the past year or two and stopped at a song I wrote called "Ride". One of my favorite songs that I've written. I cleared my voice and began to sing the song,

I hear the birds on the summer breeze,
I drive fast, I am alone in the night

Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble,
but I, I've got a war in my mind

So, I just ride, just ride,
I just ride,

I was about to finish my singing the final part of my song when I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

I walked to open it and expecting it to be Mahogany or Jacob, it was the guy with the Canadian accent who's name was Shawn.

"Uh.. Hey good morning. I kinda heard you singing and you're amazing." he said.

"I've never heard of the song you were singing, what's it called? It sounds really cool" he said and was waiting for an answer.

"I wrote the song, I don't want to be rude, but I need some time alone" I said to him awkwardly.

"Oh okay" he said with a frown and went back to his room. Okay, I felt bad that I just told him to leave but I don't fully trust him.

I sat back down on my bed and drank some water and opened my book again to a song I was writing. Over the past year or two, i've written enough songs for a an album.

I was currently writing a song called "West Coast" and I honestly loved writing it.

I wrote some lyrics and heard noise downstairs from the kitchen and I knew it had to be Mahogany so I walked downstairs to the kitchen.

I went and Mahogany wasn't there but Jacob who was cooking Breakfeast for everyone and he was struggling.

I sighed and grabbed about a dozen eggs and started making scrambled eggs for everyone and Jacob started making bacon for everyone.

"Hey. Don't worry I got this" he said but I still was cooking.

"Umm. It's fine" i said because I really didn't mind because I cooked Breakfeast back in the orphanage.

I ate my Breakfeast fast and helped set up for everyone else.

We finished making Breakfeast for everyone and one by one they all came down and sat around the table.

I finished helping in the kitchen and went back upstairs to my room.

"Hey. Aren't you going to eat with us?" Mahogany asked.

"I already ate, but thanks" I said and jogged up to my room.

** Mahogany's POV & Thoughts **

I asked Angie to have Breakfeast but she said that she already ate.

I was actually excited to spend some time with my daughter. I want to take her shopping and things.

"Guys! Angie's a amazing singer!" Shawn said and we all gave him a weird look.

"How do you know that you creep" Matt said with a laugh.

"I heard her sing in the morning and she was singing a song that she wrote herself" he said and I was amused.

"That's great" I said to him,

"Okay, we'll today Angie and I are going shopping so you boys have to think of some dinner or something" I said.

"Sounds great" Cameron said.

"Guys guess what!" Nash said.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.

QOTC; I need to know if you still want me to have MagCon events with everyone still in it?? If yes then i'll add Magcon in the book. Please let me know, before I write the next chapter.

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