Chapter 30

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

We were at our hotel, and I already missed Jeremiah. I guess i shouldn't get to attached considering we've known each other for a bit.

All the guys were there and we all waited in the lobby so we could get our room arrangements.

"Hey everyone. I'm glad you're all here. Tomorrow is the first day of MagCon. Here's the sleeping arrangement. Mahogany and Jacob, you'll share one. Cameron, Nash, Matt you share one. Shawn, Angie, Hayes share one. Taylor, Carter, Aaron share one. Jack and Jack you share one" Bart said.

We all agreed and I walked to my room with Shawn and Hayes. It was around 7:33 and we were supposedly going to eat dinner after we left our stuff in our rooms.

I opened my room and thankfully there were three beds and I was smiling like crazy and I threw my bags on the bed closest to the window.

Hayes and Shawn came in and threw there stuff on there beds and we walked back to the cafeteria and we were having chipotle. Since I didn't mind since it was heaven.

There the beautiful food was sitting on the table, and I grabbed a plate and served myself lots of things.

I had my plate full and I sat back down and moments later Jacob and Mahogany joined me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Mahogany asked.

"Great, you guys?" I asked.

"Great" they both said.

"So who was the guy back in the plane?" Jacob asked. Of course I knew he was going to comment on that.

"He's just a new a friend i made" I said.

"I'm happy for you" Mahogany said, but Jacob wasn't convinced.

"A friend?" he questioned.

"Yea, well I meet him and he's a sweet guy" I said to him.

"Alright" Jacob said eating his food.

"Tomorrow the first day of MagCon!" Mahogany said.

"Yay" I said sarcastically.

"You'll do fine, everyone will like you" Jacob said.

After that we eat our delicious food and I could honestly eat Chipotle everyday for the rest of my life.

We all finished and I decided to walk Mahogany and Jacob to their room, so I could wish them goodnight.

We arrived at there room and we stopped at there door and they gave me a hug.

"Goodnight, hope you sleep well" they said.

"Goodnight, love you guys so much" I said and I felt like I meant it. I didn't expect to say it a lot but I didn't regret it.

"You're amazing" Mahogany said and Jacob agreed.

"I love you guys" I said to them and they smiled.

"Goodnight again" they said and I left to my room with a smile on my face.

I walked to my room and Hayes and Shawn were watching TV and I laid on my bed.

"Are you guys ready for MagCon tomorrow?" Hayes asked.

"Yes!" Shawn cheered and I just nodded my head.

"I'm excited because i'm doing a cover of a song and no knows which one!" Shawn said.

"Can't wait man" Hayes said.

After that we talked and talked. I did the things I usually did before I went to bed and I couldn't wait for MagCon tomorrow ...

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