Chapter 59

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A/N: one of my pet peeves is that some people comment "update!". Honestly, it makes me not want to update. I seriously said I update when I can, I dont like pressure. So yea. Plus, I dedicate a lot of my time to writing on wattpad. It takes me an hour to come up with a good enough chapter.

** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

"Oh my gosh, can't I go outside or something" I asked waiting for Hayes and Taylor to move out of my way. They didn't let me leave my room because they thought I was going to run out the door or something.

"I want to get something to drink or eat" I said.

"Fine, i'll get you some bread or something" Taylor said.

"Wait, no you can't leave me alone with her, she'll destroy me to get through the door" Hayes exaggerated. I mean yea I can destroy him but I won't do it.

"Taylor, i've been waiting for like an hour here in my room. If you don't let me through i'm going to choke you with your own bandana" I said.

"Hayes, do something" Taylor said hiding behind Hayes.

"Uh.. You can go through" Hayes said opening the door.

I mentally cheered and walked downstairs. I was about to step on the last two steps, but that's when some shout: "She's leaving! Get her!" And that's also when I felt the whole world fall on my shoulders.

It felt that way because I had two idiots on top of me who had tackled me to the ground. Hayes jumped on me and we both fell to the ground, and Taylor being Taylor jumped on top of both of us.

"Get off me" I shouted at Hayes and he got off and then Taylor did.

"What was that for?" I said stretching my muscles.

"Well you were escaping!" Taylor said.

"No, I was at the last step, and you animals jumped me" I said.

"I know, it was actually pretty cool" Hayes said with a laugh.

"It wasn't for me" I said walking into the kitchen and grabbing a water bottle.

"So, let's do something" Taylor said.

"You guys can leave me alone. I don't have any plans anyways. Plus, I could possibly be both of your guys' babysitter" I said.

"Whoa. I'm mature" Hayes said.

"I'm 18, you're 16 Angie" Taylor said.

"But an 18 year old with the mind of Hayes or even worst" I said and Taylor looked offended.

"I'm offended" he said putting his hand to his chest.

"I'm sorry" I said laughing and walking to the living room.

"So is Jeremiah giving you a little special something tonight?" Taylor asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up" I said knowing what he meant.

"Wait i'm confused" Hayes said observing both Taylor and I.

"Oh, you want him to like give you some special dinner like pasta or lasagna" Hayes said rubbing his stomach.

"No dude i'm talking about birthday sex!" Taylor said. Well that escalated quickly.

"Dude, stop" I said at how immature Taylor was.

"You can give that as a present?" Hayes asked.

"Duh dude!" Taylor said.

"You're a great example" I said to Taylor who just laughed.

"Well, now I can save twenty dollars when I decided to give a birthday gift to a lady friend" Hayes said.

"You guys are weird" I said and there was a knock on the door. Hayes went to open it and Jeremiah walked in.

"Baby" he said picking me up and hugging me tightly.

"Hey, how are you" I said.

"Great, I'm here to keep ya company" he said.

"Well we have to go see ya Angie" Taylor said and him and Hayes left.

"I'm going to watch a movie or something" I said turning on the Tv, but soon Jeremiah turned it off.

"Hey, I was watching that" I said.

"You weren't but now i'm goin' to tell ya something" he said.

"Alright" I said.

"You see we have a party waiting for you at Taylor's place and I have a special guest for you" he said.

"Thanks so much, but who's this special person?" I asked.

"Connor, you're brother. You see he didn't die in the fire, he's alive and I want you to go see him" he said grabbing my hand.

"Jeremiah. You know how I feel about this, this isn't funny" I said.

"You know I wouldn't do some sick joke to you" he said.

"I know but Jeremiah, he's dead. So please stop. I don't want to go to the party anyways" I said.

"You have to come, its your night and Connor is there" he said.

"Jeremiah, i'm not going and that's final." I said.

"Are you sure about that?" he asked.

"Yes" I said.

"Then i'll just carry you" he said grabbing my arm.

"Jeremiah, this is the only time where I do want to kick you in the place where I shouldn't" I said referring to his crotch.

"No, you're coming" he said, lifting me up and placing my stomach on his shoulder and he started walking out.

"If you don't put me down right now Jeremiah Wood, you're going to regret it" I said hitting his back.

"Stop it, you'll see soon enough" he said walking and I kept on hitting his back.

"Feels like a massage back there" he said with a laugh. I kept on trying but once again it was no use. He was stronger and tougher. He had walked for about 15 minutes and he finally came to a stop at Taylor's house.

"I'm going to place you down, so don't run away" he said.

"Well I don't have a choice now" I said and we walked inside and immediately everyone cheered "Happy Birthday". I looked around and I didn't see 'Connor' as he claims.

"Thank you everyone" I said.

"Where's Connor?" I heard Jeremiah asked a guy who had a nose ring and a beautiful girl, they pointed to a door and he took my hand and walked me upstairs.

"Okay, go in now" he said with a smile on his face.

"Why?" I asked and he laughed and opened the door and pushed me gently inside and closed the door. I looked inside and I assumed I was in Hayes room because it just looked like and smelled like his room.

I then noticed a familiar face, the same face I thought had died in a fire with my parents. The green eyes and blond hair.

"Connor?" I whispered.

"Angie" he said walking towards me.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.
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