Chapter 39

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

Jeremiah and I got inside the plane and we sat down together. We did the usual things you do before the plane flies into the air; turning off electronics, seatbelt, etc. Then moments later we were in the air and luckily Jeremiah gave me the window seat.

"So what happened at MagCon, if I you want to talk about it?" He asked politely; such a gentlemen.

"It was alright the first day I mean, I ditched about half of it, and a guy sang a song I wrote without my permission" I said.

"Hold up, you ditched it? Without anyone knowing? Second, you sing?" he asked.

"Yea kinda did and I actually do. I'm actually going back home to record an album" I said.

"Well I don't think you should ditch without letting anyone know, especially your parents and that's awesome and I bet you have a lovely and amazing voice" he said with a smile.

"I know but a friend wanted to talk and catch up and thanks and I bet you do too. Since you have a beautiful accent" I said and he smiled.

"Oh what did you do with your friend? Thanks, I like my voice too" he said with a laugh.

"You're asking things my dad would ask and he was my ex and we talked about things" I replied back. Mentally laughing since Jacob is the type of dad that would ask these type of questions and comments.

"Sorry, it's just me being me. Weren't you afraid that your ex would I don't know kidnap you?" he asked.

"Not really since he's a really good friend of mine even after the breakup" I said and he gave me the "o" face.

"How was your business that you have to do?" I asked him since I really didn't know what his business or what he was doing in Atlanta exactly.

"It was good, same ol' business that I do" he said, not really giving me much details. I honestly hope he's not a drug dealer or something.

"So what exactly is the business or what your doing?" I asked.

"Let's not talk about that its not important" he said nervously. I nodded because I didn't want to force him to tell me what he was doing.

"So now that we're asking each other question, why don't we play the question game?" he asked and I agreed.

"Where is your family from?" I asked him a simple question.

"Well my mother is from Cuba and my daddy is from Texas. Making me part Cuban. I can speak spanish since my mom taught me a bit, yourself?" he said but I couldn't stop smiling. The way he says "daddy" is absolutely adorable. He honestly didn't look Latin or Cuban. He looks 100% country or Texan but I'm not judging him.

"Well my dad is from New York and my mom is from San Diego" I said to him.

"Where did you grow up?" he asked. I decided to not talk about the orphanage or my uncle and aunt.

"Well I grew up in San Diego then in Los Angeles, since my dad moved all the way from New York to be with my mom, you?" I said.

"Well I never lived in Cuba. First I lived with my family in Texas and when I was around ten my family moved to North Carolina and they live there at the moment" he said.

Isn't Nash and Hayes from North or South Carolina? I think its North Carolina. I hope Jeremiah isn't related to the Griers because then its just weird and odd.

"Do you know anyone by the name Nash or Hayes?" I asked him.

"No not all why?" he asked.

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