Chapter 46

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A/N: this is important.

So I was curious and googled up "Jeremiah Wood Model" and well damn there's actually is a model named Jeremiah. I also found out that Jeremiah Wood is or was idk on a show called "Survivor". I really don't know much about that show but that theres a guy named Jeremiah on it.

What are the odds that the real life Jeremiah is like my Jeremiah in the book. He fits the same description, and is a country person.

I honestly came up with Jeremiah with the help of some of my friends. I didn't even know there was a real life Jeremiah.

I watched all the season of survivor that Jeremiah was on (p.s. I love that show now!) And that same dude is a sweetheart just like my Jeremiah.

I just wanted to tell you guys this before you guys found out without me telling you guys. I don't really want to be told "You're not creative, you didn't come up with Jeremiah" when I actually did come up with his personality and the way he looks.

I honestly love the real life Jeremiah Wood and I watched his interview and website and I've changed some few details of Jeremiah In this book. This Jeremiah will do some of the things or sayings that the real life one has said on the "survivor show".

If you're wondering how I came up with him then i'll tell you. Okay, I have a friend named Jeremiah. I had a amazing dream with a country boy with the same description of Jeremiah (lol), I asked some of my friends for the way he acts and stuff. So yea.

I guess Jeremiah Wood is what my Jeremiah in my book looks like but 100% a younger version(since the real life one is like 34).

So yea I'm really sorry if you think negatively of me now. I really didn't know there was a real life Jeremiah Wood. I swear i didn't know. So forgive me and I Hope you'll still like this book..

PS: I recommend looking up "Jeremiah Wood Model" cause damn.

** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

Jeremiah and I finished cooking dinner for everyone; Mahogany, Jacob, Matt, Cameron, Shawn, Nash, Jeremiah and I.

We had cooked mash potatoes, steak, vegetables, etc.

"We finished, food looks delicious" Jeremiah said as he sat down on a chair.

"Thanks, for cooking all this" I said. Since he knew what he was doing and cooked most of the food.

"My pleasure, babe" he said.

"Do I look good enough for your parents?" he asked as he adjusted the collar of his shirt.

"You do, stop worrying" I said buttoning one of the buttons on his shirt. I mean he just came from a photo shoot so he looks amazing.

"Isn't it your birthday in like a week?" he asked me. I really didn't care about my birthday, i really don't celebrate my birthday or make a big deal out of it.

"Yea, but whatever" I said.

"It's important" he said.

"I should tell you something about my parents " I said to him. Since he doesn't really know that both my parents are twenty year olds and that i'm adopted.

"What's up?" he said as he gave me all of his attention.

"So. I wanted to let you know that i'm adopted. My parents aren't the regular parents you would think of" I said to him.

"Oh okay it's fine that you're doesn't change my opinion on you anyway and why are your parents different?" he asked

"Well for a starter they're both twenty year olds" I said and he had a weird look on his face.

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