Chapter 38

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

I was in my room and it was around 4:53 and I had around and hour and thirty minutes to get to the airport and get on my flight on time.

I grabbed my bags and texted Jacob and Mahogany on our group chat: I'm leaving soon :(

I closed my phone and made my way down to the lobby and waited for the taxi to pull up.

"Have a safe flight" I heard someone speak and it was Bart. Out of all the people I wanted to see. Sarcasm!

"Thanks" I said.

"It sucks that you have to go" he said with a "caring" tone but it was obviously fake to me.

"If you're trying to make me feel bad? its not really working, I really wouldn't want to work with you" I said.

"Alright" he said with a laugh.

"Bart, I honestly don't care about being in MagCon. So act your age and stop trying to make a big deal out of it" I said.

"Okay okay" he said and left since he knew that I wouldn't have a conversation with him.

The taxi pulled up and he motioned that he was ready to go.

"Wait!" I heard voices shout, if its Bart then i'm punching him in the face. I turned around and it wasn't him but my lovable parents, Mahogany and Jacob.

"Hey!" I said giving them both a hug.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them, I was happy they were here.

"We left MagCon just say goodbye for the last time" Jacob said. Aww they are so sweet and caring.

"You guys are the best" I said to them.

"So are you, we're going to miss you a lot" Mahogany said.

"How long are you guys going to be here?" I asked.

"Well uhh... well like a week here at Atlanta, and then soon after there's going to be another MagCon, literally three days after Atlanta, so maybe two weeks" Jacob said.

"Oh" Is all I could manage to say.

"Don't worry, we'll try to go back home even if its just for a day" Mahogany said with a smile.

"Okay, but no matter what we'll keep in touch" Jacob said and I nodded.

The taxi beeped at me to hurry up and get in.

"Well, I have to go now" I said to them.

"Okay, stay safe and call us for anything" Mahogany said.

"Be safe with that guy, okay? If anything seems weird, call me and i'll go kick his ass" Jacob said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Jacob!" Mahogany said and I just laughed again.

"Seriously, I don't completely trust him. But stay safe" he said with a smile.

"Okay thank you, bye, love you guys" I said giving them a hug and getting into the taxi.

"Bye, we love you" they both said as the taxi drove off.

I saw Bart standing outside too, and he waved at me with a smile that was taunting me so I flipped him off and his smile disappeared and he was shocked. Pretty funny actually.

I watched as my parents disappeared and sat and waited for the taxi to arrive at the airport.

I was sad that I was leaving but I really was glad that I get to see Jeremiah. I don't quite know what attracts me about this guy, but something about him is special.


I arrived at the airport around 5:58 since there was traffic it took a bit longer than expected.

I decided to call Jeremiah, since I was going to be with him.

A: Hey Jeremiah, where are you?

J: I'm by the gate kinda, just walk toward it and you'll see me

I walked around and made my way me to the directions he was saying and still couldn't see him.

A: I can't see you

J: I see you, i'll walk over to you

With that I hung up and I waited for him to show up.

Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around and it was Jeremiah.

"Hey!" he said giving me a hug and I gladly accepted his hug.

"How are you" I asked him and we were still hugging. We honestly hugged like if we were two best friends that have never seen each other in years.

"Great, yourself?" he said with his charming southern accent.

"Great, thanks" I said back.

Our flight was announced and we grabbed our bags and started walking towards the gate.

"Here let me help ya" Jeremiah offered.

"No, its fine. You have your luggage" I said.

"May I at least take one bag" he said taking the heaviest bag.

"Thank you" I said to him and he just smiled at me.

We passed through all the security and we gave them our luggage and we went to the plane.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment
QOTC: What's something you absolutely love and can't live without?

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