Chapter 16

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

I walked outside and got in the backseat of the car.

"Hey, I'm Hayes" a guy said who seemed to be a 18 year old guy and gave me a awkward side hug.

"I'm Angie" I said to him and he just smiled.

"So, how did you sleep Angie?" Nash asked me as he drove.

"Great, you?" I asked him.

"Great" he said.

"Can you remind me why again, how come Angie and I have to go to school while everyone else doesn't??" Hayes asked.

Yea, this guy is actually right.

"I don't know, but yea" he replied well that seems reasonable.

He drove for about ten minutes and we stopped at a school that honestly looked like hell with gates to a prison.

"Well, have fun you too. See ya after school" Nash said and drove back home.

"Well, let this horrible day begin!" Hayes said and we both walked inside the school.

"Here, I'll walk you to the front office so you could get your schedule" he said and I nodded.

We both walked in and we both got dirty looks, especially I did. Since of course I was the new girl.

"Ignore them, they're just jealous that your hanging with me. Plus, I don't have real friends here since they want fame" he said and it must suck though.

"Hey, this my friend and she's new" he said to the lady at the front desk.

"Oh okay, I assume you must be Ms. Whitesides?" she asked.

"Yea. That's me" I said and she handed me my schedule and we walked out of the office and into the halls.

"Okay. Well I'll see you at lunch, and go that way" he said pointing to the right side of the school.

"Where you going I asked him?" Confused since he wasn't going the same way I was going.

"I'm 13" he said and smiled and walked to I guess his class.

I looked at my schedule closely and just my luck ... I have PE, first period. Who the fuck wants to exercise early in the morning.

I walked around for like 10 minutes trying to find the gym, and I finally found it and I walked inside and everyone was doing push ups and everyone had their eyes on me.

I sighed and walked past everyone and walked up to the the teacher.

"You must be the new student, I'm Mrs. Strong" Mrs. Strong said.

"Uhh, yea" I said awkwardly since everyone was staring at me.

"Okay, drop your bags, and drop and give 10" she said with sass. Um. Excuse me?

"What?" I managed to say to her.

"Wheres your gym clothes?" she said with an angry tone

"I'm new" I repeated myself and she just laughed.

"Oh yea, go grab some clothes from there and some shoes" she said pointing at a dirty pile of clothes and shoes.

Okay I'm not putting that on.

"Umm.. I'm not going to put that on" I said to her.

"Why not?" she said

"Thats dirty clothes and its all gross and smelly" I said to her.

"I said go put it on or I'll call your parents" she said

"Go ahead" I said and I felt a bit sassy, but ehhh.

"I like your attitude kid, this time you won't have to do gym, but next class have something to wear" she said and I took a seat on a bench.

Everyone else had to keep on doing the warm up and then they played basketball. All I did was just sit and watched them all suffer which I didn't mind. As long as I didn't do work, I'm fine.

Time by time, they're be the occasional hot guy who rolled the ball or dropped it by me just to come say hi.

They were pretty attractive but they tried to hard, and it was kinda funny. The girls would obviously give me dirty looks, which was funny.

They finished playing basketball and headed towards the lockers to change, and when they finished they just hung around the gym till the bell rang.

"Hey baby, what's shakin'?" a attractive guy said and walked up to me.

"Nothing" I said and he just laughed and went to his group of friends.

Then came the snotty annoying girls came up to me.

"Look at you bitch, thinking that you don't have to do work" one of them said and the rest glared at me.

Then they said some rude things but I didn't really care since they were just mad that I didn't have to do the work they did.

"Ms. Whitesides, have your parents sign this when you get home" Mrs. Strong said and handed me some papers.

"WAIT OMG DID SHE SAY WHITESIDES??" one of them cheered and started panicking.

"Are you related to Jacob Whitesides??" One of them said.

"OMG he's so hot!!" one of the said and I was a bit disturbed since, she was actually talking about my dad.

I just ignored them and went to my next class which was spanish, yay ...

A/N: Thanks for reading . Vote and comment.

QOTC: What's your worst school

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