Chapter 85

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** Tate's POV & Thoughts **

I woke up early, surprisingly before Angie did. It was around 9:23 and this isn't the time I usually wake up. I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't sleep.

Sadly, I got up and took a quick shower. After getting out of the shower, I grabbed and put on some basketball shorts and a tank top. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs.

Hmmm maybe I should be nice and cook Angie something? Ehh... Its not something I'd do for someone except my mom or dad.

I should be nice to myself and Angie and cook something since I was hungry. Let's see what can I cook? I opened up my phone and looked up how to cook scrambled eggs, since those are probably the simplest way to cook eggs.

I know it sounds pretty dumb that I don't know how to cook eggs but I usually put too much salt or not enough salt.

I went through around five different websites and they really didn't tell me how much salt exactly to add. I stopped trying and decided to make pancakes which were simple since I remember how my mom makes them cause I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

I grabbed the flour, eggs, milk etc. I started cookin' pancakes for myself and Angie and of course I made extras just in case.

I had around six okay pancakes done, and I wanted to cook around twelve pancakes. I finished up cooking and placed them in the middle of table and I guess It would be nice to wait for Angie. So in the meantime I started eating a granola bar and made a simple strawberry and banana smoothies.

After I made the smoothie, I started getting a call from someone. Who could it be? I don't think anyone misses me back home, well I know for sure that I don't miss anyone.

I checked and it was from my lovable mother.

T: Hello?

M: Tate, how are you sweetheart?

T: I'm good thanks. How are you?

M: Yo y tu padre estamos bien mijo

Translation: Your father and I are good, son

T: Thats great, how's work?

M: It's honestly very crazy and busy

T: I can imagine.

M: Are you okay? Are you behaving well?

T: Yes and Yes. I'm Tate, your lovable son.

M: Yes you're Tate, thats why I worry.

T: I'm good don't worry.

M: Que Crees!

Translation: Guess What!

T: What?

M: Tu hermano, ya va a llegar a su casa!

Translation: Your brother, is coming home soon to his house

T: Na uh! Really?

M: I wasn't suppose to tell you but oh well

T: That's great mom

M: I have to go, take care okay sweetie?

T: I will, you too mom

M: Okay, te quiero mucho

T: I love you too bye

M: Adios, say hi to Angie for me!

T: Well, do!

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