Chapter 49

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

I walked inside my home and no one was in the living room or in the kitchen. They all are in probably in their rooms.

I was still hungry, so i'm going to go eat something before I went to bed.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed some leftover pizza and put it on a plate and cooked in the microwave for a bit.

"Hey!" someone said who was Mahogany who literally scared the shit out of me.

"Hey, you scared the shit out of me!" I said giving her a hug.

"Sorry, how'd it go?" she asked.

"It went great, the album is done and soon will be sold in stores and on iTunes" I said.

"I'm happy for you, how was the boy? Give me the details!" she said sitting down.

"He's a great guy" I said awkwardly.

"Angie! I'm 5 years older than you I'm still young! Tell me the details" she said.

"He's amazing! I love him so much. I'm honestly the luckiest girl to have him" I said with a big smile on my face.

"You two are so adorable!" Mahogany cheered.

"Thanks" I said back.

"Hey, you're finally back" someone said who was Jacob.

"Yep" I said back.

"Look i'm sorry, for all the drama that happened at dinner. I should of taken the chance to meet the guy" he said.

"I know you probably are, but i'm telling you right now. You're apologizing to the wrong person" I said and Mahogany was nodding her head.

"Yea, I know" he said.

"Well, when Jeremiah tells me everything is good between you two, then everything between us is good" I said grabbing my plate of pizza.

"Okay, uhh what's his number so I can apologize?" he asked taking out his phone.

"Nope, do it in person" I said.

"Okay" he said quietly and awkwardly.

"Well, don't worry. Jacob i'm not extremely mad at you, I'm just upset that you guys offended him" I said with a sigh.

"Good night guys, aren't you guys off to MagCon tomorrow?" I asked since I thought they were only going to be here for a day.

"No, we still have like another week or less since the next MagCon will start a bit late because Bart had to do something" Jacob said.

"Yea, so we'll still be here" Mahogany said.

"Cool, well see ya" I said.

"Goodnight" they both said giving me a hug and I hugged back and went back up to my room with my second bae aka pizza.

When I got into my room i put my plate on the table beside my bed and I changed into a tank top and sweats. I washed my face and I sat down on my bed opened my laptop and went on twitter. I guess I should people know about the album?

I tweeted: My new album "Born To Die: Paradise Edition" is coming soon so I guess be ready for it? yeaa

I closed my phone and got a tweet from Jeremiah: @JeremiahPWood: @AngieWhitesides guys this album is amazing like my girlfriend. I love you ❤️😊

I smiled at his tweet and instantly tweeted back: @AngieWhitesides: @JeremiahPWood I love you too, thanks for being there ❤️

I then got a text from Jeremiah:

J: hey, you busy?

A: no not at all

J: want to faceTime? I mean if you want to

A: yess, call me ❤️

I thought he was going to call me on my phone but he ended up calling me on my laptop which i didn't mind.

"Hey gorgeous!" he said with a smile as he laid down on his bed with his laptop in front of him.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked as I grabbed my plate of pizza and sat down with my laptop in front of me.

"Well, i'm gonna eat some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, you?" he asked as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"Well, talking to a cutie and eating pizza" I said and he smiled.

"So I wanted to Facetime on our laptops so it can feel like we're together, even though we're not. I know you wanted me to say but it was best if I didn't this time" he said.

"This is a smart idea" I said with how thoughtful he was.

"I'm glad you think that" he said.

"So want to do something tomorrow or are you busy?" he asked.

"No of course I want to do something with you" I responded back.

"What do you want to do?" he asked.

"I don't know, we'll think of something" I said.

"So, is everything alright at home?" He asked as he took off his shirt.

"Uhh..." I said dumbly as I stared at his amazing abs and perfect line.

"Don't worry, i'm all yours" he said with a chuckle.

"It was all good, my dad wanted to apologized to you by text, and I told him that he had to apologize to you in person, if he wanted things would be good between him and I" I said while blushing, since he caught me staring.

"What in the world, you should of just let him apologize to me by text!" he said.

"Nope, in person" I said.

"Gosh, you sure are stubborn, but I love ya" he said.

"I love you too and I know I am but he should do it in person" I said.

"Alright" he said.

Jeremiah and I honestly just spent our night laughing and talking about the most randomness things. He told me stories about his life back at home. Stories about him and his brother Tate and his parents. He honestly had a sweet family.

It was around midnight and we were still talking, we were laying in our beds with our laptop beside us. It was like if we were together, but when really weren't.

I stood up to go to the bathroom to do my business and I got back out and laid back down in bed and Jeremiah had fallen asleep. I smiled at how adorable he looked on the screen and I hung up the call and went to bed.

I went to sleep thinking about how lucky I was to have a guy like Jeremiah.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.
QOTC: so I really need your guys opinion.
Should I stick with the way i update?(update when I can which is also almost everyday) or update on only two specific days?

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