Chapter 52

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P.S: I know Connor Franta has siblings, so in this story, his only sibling is Angie.

** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

Jeremiah and I after that little confession session, are now just laying on his couch. We actually aren't even paying attention to the movie but to each other.

"You're phone still ringing?" Jeremihah asked as my phone rang for the like fifth time.

"Yea, I don't know who it is" I said.

"Here, I'll answer" he said as I handed him my phone and I nodded my head. He answered and put the phone on speaker and the conversation began:

J: Hello, who's this?

?: This is Bart Bordelon

Eww. Literally just threw up in my mouth.

J: Why are calling my girlfriend?

B: I wanted to ask her to join MagCon

"He wants you to join MagCon" Jeremiah whispered as he covered the phone so Bart couldn't hear us.

"Eww, no" I said.

J: She's busy.

B: Could you ask her, its important.

"What should I say?" Jeremiah asked covering the phone.

"Tell him no and to fuck off" i said and Jeremiah wanted to laugh and kept a serious face.

J: She said no thank you, so please don't call her again.

And with that he hung up.

"Isn't he the guy who owns that group that you left?" he asked.

"Yes, that jerk kicked me out but I don't like him" I said and he nodded.

"Your phone is ringing again, babe" he said again, but it was from the studio so I could answer.

A: Hello?

S: Hey, Angie. I wanted to let you know that we're ready to start selling your album in stores tomorrow instead of days. Do you want to wait or start selling now?

A: Yea, start selling it now

S: Okay, it'll be out at midnight and we shipped you some copies.

A: Thanks for everything.

S: yea, the band will start practicing for when you do live performances

A: okay, sounds good.

S: have a good evening

A: you too

And that I hung up.

"Studio?" he asked and I nodded.

"They'll start to sell the album tonight at midnight" i said.

"Congrats babe!" he said attacking me with a hug.

"Thanks" I said back.

"So I realized that you didn't put all the songs in the album, you have like four or five other songs" he said.

"Yea, I know. They just wouldn't be appropriate on the album for some reasons" I said.

"Oh, how come?" he asked.

"I mean look at the song Cola" I said.

"I don't see anything wrong with it" he said.

"The first line is my pussy taste like Pepsi cola" I said awkwardly. The line is weird but in the orphanage a lot of people would joke about the crotch tasting like cola. It's weird, I know.

"Oh, ooh" he said embarrassed.

"I mean i'll perform them whenever I want to, like Body Electric and Gods & Monsters" I said.

"Cool, we should do something, we really aren't watching the movie" he said with a laugh.

"Yea, but what?" I asked and my phone received a text and I checked it and it was from Taylor:

T: Heyy Angiee! come to my place, i'm gonna have a little party

A: can I bring my boyfriend?

T: yeaaa! More people the better

A: alright, see you soon.

T: Maybe you can sing for us!

A: maybe. Can we head over now?

T: Yasss, noww

"My friend, Taylor is going to have a party, want to go?" he asked.

"Yea, its better than watching a movie that we haven't watched for the past three hours" he said with a chuckle.

"Yep, you're right" I said standing up.

"Let's go" Jeremiah said as we both put our shoes on.

"Let me just warn you that these other friends of mine are weird and crazy" I said.

"I'm fine with that" he said as we walked out to his truck.

** Jc's POV & Thoughts **

"Hey, Ricky do you want to come with me to a party at my friend Taylor's?" I asked Ricky as he sat on the couch.

"No, thanks. I have some editing to do" he said. Man party pooper.

"I'll go ask Kian and Connor?" I said as I started my way upstairs.

"Kian isn't here, he's with Andrea. Connor probably won't be in the mood to go" he replied.

"Oh, why wouldn't Connor want to go?" I asked.

"It's the week of the year that Connor isn't himself" he said with a sad tone.

"Is it over his sister Angie?" I asked. You see Connor lost his parents and sister in a fire, and he always gets upset around the week of his sister's birthday. I don't really don't want to go into details because its sad and its personal.

"Yea, always happens every year. He just needs to go through this week, and he'll be the normal Connor we know, but you can still ask him" he answered as he opened his laptop.

"Alright" I said jogging up the stairs and knocking on Connor's door and walking in his room.

"Hey, Connor!" I say cheerfully.

"Hi, Jc" he responded coldly.

"Man, I know you're still upset about the past but you need to try to move on for them" I said trying to sound convincing.

"Dude, in four days its my sister's birthday, she died in a fire like when she was ten! This is the week that haunts me, I don't feel like doing anything. " he replied back.

"I know, and i'm sorry. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go party at Taylor's" I said, I felt bad for Connor, but he couldn't just stay sad in his room.

"No thanks dude" he responded.

"Come on Connor, it'll be a lot of fun" I said.

"I'll pass, maybe next time" he said as he covered his face with his blanket.

"Alright, text me if you change your mind" I said leaving his room.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.

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