Chapter 70

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

"So how has your day been so far?" I asked Tate as we all walked inside the house.

"It was good thanks, your guys?" he asked back.

"Great" Jeremiah and I replied.

"Well, we should start eating" Tate said as we walked into the kitchen. We got plates and we each grabbed a slice of pizza and some fries. Luckily Tate didn't finish them all.

"This is amazing" Tate said taking a bite off his pizza.

"This really is" I said agreeing.

"Let's go to the living room and eat there" Tate said grabbing his plate and the box of pizza.

"You know mom doesn't like you eating in living room" Jeremiah said.

"I know but she's not here" he said with a laugh and Jeremiah and I followed him not because we wanted to break Mariah's rule, we did it because he had the pizza box with him.

"Wait so how old are you?" I asked him.

"I'm 14" he said.

"You don't look fourteen to be honest" I said.

"I get that a lot" he said with a laugh.

"So what did ya'll do while I wasn't here" he asked.

"We just chilled" I said.

"More like cuddles and ate my ice cream" he said.

"Yea, it was peaceful" Jeremiah said.

"Well, I ain't paying for my ice cream, ya'll gonna get me more" he said.

"We will Tate, don't worry" I said.

"Good because its my companion during my Netflix sessions" he said.

"Where the ladies at man?" Jeremiah said.

"There kinda too hard to get or not my type. Plus I rather be single. Less drama" he said.

"Well, i'm done eating so i'll be in my room" he said placing his plate in the sink and walking to his room.

"I'm done too" I said cleaning up after myself.

"So am I" Jeremiah said cleaning up after himself. I placed the leftovers in the fridge. Jeremiah washed the plates and I cleaned up.

"Is he like anti-social or something?" I asked.

"Not really, he can be outgoing or shy. He does what he feels like doing" he replied.

"Oh" I said

"I mean come on babe, you and I aren't really social" he said and he had a point.

"True" I said.

"So do you want to go out and do something or do you want to stay in?" He asked me.

"Well, I really don't feel like going anywhere. I hope you don't mind" I said.

"Of course not, let's play the wii" he said turning it on.

"Cool, I'll go ask Tate, if he wants to play" I said and he nodded his head. I walked upstairs and knocked on the door that was next to Jeremiah's room.

"Come in" I heard Tate shout and I walked in.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked him.

"Just texting my friends and catching up on some of my shows on Netflix" he said.

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