Chapter 18

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** Mahogany's POV & Thoughts **

Jacob and I were laying on the couch watching TV and just cuddling. The normal things we usually do everyday.

We were both normally relaxing until Matt came from the kitchen.

"Your phone is ringing" he said tossing me my phone.

Please tell me this isn't Hayes. He goes to the principal office almost every day. Since his parents live all the way back in North Carolina, Jacob and I are his guardians here in California.

"Hello?" I answered and Jacob already knew who it was.

"Hello, is this Hayes Grier parent?" the principal said since I recognized the voice.

"No, but I'm one of his guardians" I said.

"Okay, like usual Hayes hasn't been behaving we need you guys to come pick him up as soon as possible" he said.

"Okay, we'll be there soon" I said and he hung up.

"Hayes?" Jacob asked and I nodded.

"We'll let's go get ready" he said and we both slowly walked up to my room.

"I feel like we should have Hayes and Angie, homeschooled like the other guys" I said and he agreed.


We spent about an hour to get ready, I know. We took forever, but I really don't feel like going to pick up Hayes early from school for the fourth time this week.

"Babe, you're getting another call" he said and he gave me my phone.

Another call from Hayes' school? Do they really want us to pick him up so fast? I wonder what he did now.

"Hello?" I asked again.

"Hello is this Angie Whitesides parent?" the person said and this time it was a lady.

"Yes why?" I asked.

"You guys need to come here immediately. I sent her to the principal office" the lady said and I was confused.

"Why?" I asked.

"She was disrespectful" she said with sass.

"Alright" I said and she hung up.

"Who was it?" Jacob asked.

"It was one of Angie's teachers" I said.

"Oh, what did she want?" Jacob asked.

"Angie got in trouble" I said.

"Well let's go get Angie and Hayes" Jacob said with a laugh.

** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

I went to the office and said "Uh.. where's the principal office?" I asked the lady in the office and she gave me a dirty look and then laughed.

"First day here, already got in trouble" she said.

She signaled me to a room and I walked inside and I was surprised to see Hayes there. The last person who I'd think to be in this room. He seems so innocent and sweet.

"Angie? Why are you here?" he asked me, when I was about to ask him the same question.

"Why are you here?" I asked and didn't respond to his question.

"Oh, I always get sent here, it's like my usual hangout. I always come here, so yea. Plus, I get to get out of school since I got in trouble." he said with a laugh like if it was nothing.

"Oh, aren't you worried that your parents are going to be mad?" I asked.

"Nah, your parents are my guardians so it's nothing" he said with a smile.

"That's cool?" I said and sat next to him.

"So why are you here?" he said with a smirk.

"Uh... just a little spanish drama" I said and he laughed.

"Señorita Whitesides, I called your parents they're coming for you, I'll be here to explain to them why I sent you here" she said and left.

"I've heard that she's a total witch" he said and I laughed.

"She is" I said.

"Hey, you two. No talking" a teacher said.

We both stayed silent till he left and we started laughing.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.

QOTC: Do you have a teacher that you hate?

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