Chapter 37

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

"I can't believe you have to go home now" Shawn said.

"Everyone's going to miss you so much!" Hayes said.

"Thanks guys, i'll miss you guys too" I said.

There was a knock on the door and none of the guys didn't even move to the sound of the knocks.

"Hayes, can you please get that?" I ask.

"It's too far" Hayes said exaggerating, since he was like honestly by the door.

"Hayes!" I say throwing a pillow at him.

"Angie!" he yelled back, chucking the pillow and hitting my right in the face.

"Shawn" I said nicely and the person was still knocking on the door.

"Fine, I just don't want to get hit with a pillow" he said standing up and opening the door. When he opened the door there stood everyone. All the guys were here with my parents.

"Angie!" they all said and giving me a group hug.

"You guys are all so nice" I said hugging back.

"We all wanted to say our goodbyes since we'll be on stage when you leave" Aaron said. Aww they're all nice and sweet. Like cupcakes. Speaking of cupcakes... cupcakes would be good right now.

"I'll start" Aaron said.

"Well, I'll miss you and stay safe and have fun back home" Aaron said giving me a hug and I accepted his hug. He's so nice and innocent.

"I kinda seemed like a player when we met, but you're cool and I'll miss you" Taylor said giving me a hug and i accepted the hug. Yep, I remember him saying awkward things, well at least I thought they were awkward.

"I hope the album goes perfect, your voice is beautiful and i'll miss you" Shawn said giving me a hug and I accepted the hug. He may have eavesdropped on me singing but he's still a kind and sweet boy.

"Angie, you're actually one of the coolest girls I know! We need to hang out more soon" Cameron said giving me a hug and I accepted. Cameron and I didn't talk as much be he probably was the chillest.

"Have a safe flight back home. We'll all see each other in a week or two. I'll miss you" Matt said offering a hug and I accepted. Matt is one weird guy but he always seems to stay positive through everything.

"My eyes are better than yours! I'll see ya soon and i'll miss you" Nash said, giving me a hug and I hugged back. Nash always complained about having better eyes than I. I don't honestly care though. . .

"Well i'll miss you and not the boring things about you. oh and i'll miss ya troublemaker" Hayes said giving me a hug and I hugged back. He started reminding me of the evil lady aka Mrs. Reyes.

"We'll both miss you and we'll see you soon" Jack J said and Jack G said "And i'll show you where I get my eyebrows done" he said with a wink. Then I gave them both a hug. Yes thank you. I want to have perfect eyebrows like Jack G.

"Yo! I'll miss you, we need to hang out when we both have time. Have fun" Carter said giving me a hug and I hugged back. Carter and I didn't really talk as much, but he seems like a cool person.

"Now it's our turn" Mahogany said with Jacob next to her.

"I'll miss you a lot, sweetie. Be safe and call and text Mahogany and I everyday. I love you and don't order pizza anymore okay?" Jacob said giving me a hug. I remember that attractive pizza delivery guy but the pizza was hotter.

"I'll miss you a lot too. Take care of yourself and stay in touch with us. I love you and we'll have to go shopping soon" Mahogany said giving me a hug. Shopping sounds great especially with Mahogany.

"Thank you all so much, you guys are all awesome and I love you all too" i said and everyone got closer and we all shared another group hug. I would honestly tell them all to get off me because I was getting squished, but it was worth it this time.

"Well, we should go now, MagCon should be starting soon" Carter said and everyone agreed.

"Have fun" I said to Mahogany and Jacob and giving them yet another hug.

"Thanks, we'll try" they said.

"Bye Angie" the all said in a unison, waving goodbye.

"Bye guys" I replied and with that everyone was gone except for Shawn and Hayes.

"Don't you guys have to go?" I asked not to be rude.

"Yea, but we need to change and recieve extra hugs from you" Shawn said with a smile and Hayes grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom to change.

I finished packing my last pieces of clothes and I zipped up my luggage and I was finished packing.

"Guys, help. I think I grew a lot in the past five minutes" Hayes shouted panicking...
While wearing my shorts?

"Dude... those are my shorts" I said to him and he looked calm.

"Thank goodness, I thought I grew bigger" he said taking them off and I could hear the shorts ripping, slowly.

"Hayes, keep the shorts ... You're ripping them and you're in boxers. Cover yourself" I said covering my face.

"You should be honors, there's thousands of girls who would probably enjoy watching me in my boxers" he said posing.

"Dude, just get your shorts on, we have to go" Shawn said and Hayes did what he was told.

"Well we have to say goodbye again" Shawn said.

"I'll miss you and stay safe and don't do bad
stuff and have fun with the album" Shawn said.

"I'll miss you too and i'll miss annoying you, but stay safe and happy" Hayes said.

"Thanks guys" I said giving both of them another hug.

"Bye, take care" they both said as the walked to the door.

"Bye, you too" I responded and with that they also were out the door.

Saying goodbye for me is usually easy for me, but for some reason it kinda hurt saying goodbye to my parents and friends this time.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.
QOTC: Are you good at saying goodbyes?

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