Chapter 34

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

We both got into his car and he started driving.

"Guess what!" he said.

"What?" I asked back.

"I'm kidnapping you" he said and I was shocked.

"Just kidding, your face was priceless" he said with a laugh.

"Stop that, I thought you were going to kidnap me" I said to him and he just laughed.

"I wouldn't, even if I did. I would have done much better" he said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Wow" I said and he drove to Starbucks and stopped and walked inside and moments later he came out with two Starbucks drink.

"I got your back my white girl" he said handing me Starbucks.

"Let's go the park and chat there" he said and he drove to the closest park. what's up with everyone and going to the park to talk.

"Alright" I said and he drove.

We got off and went to the grassy area where no one was around. I had a dress on some sat on a blanket he had in his car.

"So what's new?" I asked him.

"I dumped Tasha because I found out all she wanted was money, stupid bitch" he said.

"Yep, you were faithful guy" I said with a laugh,

"I know I'm still sorry, but its best if we stayed friends you know" he said and I agreed.

"What about you? Who's the lucky guy" he asked with a wink.

"Well theres this guy and I just met him and I feel like I love him already even though we're barely friends." I said.

"Well, he can be your love of your life because I know you and when you get attached to someone, then things go good" he said.

"For bad boy like you, you got some words of wisdom in you" I said and he laughed.

"So are you still the same Angie I know or a happy Angie?" He asked.

"I'm probably a bit happier now, but the past will stay with me forever. It's who I am" I said.

After that we talked about his life, the problems he has and. I told him about Mahogany, Jacob and all the other guys.

"Do you got a lighter or any matches with you?" he asked as he grabbed a cigarette.

"Ryan, those are bad for you" I said taking the cigarette out of his hand.

"I got more" he said taking another and finding a lighter.

"They're not good for your body and you know that" I said to him.

"So do you, like you said we were born to die" he said.

"But that was in the past, I have new reasons to be here on this earth, and you deserve to stay here too" I said, thinking about Mahogany and Jacob.

"Here, I know you want to" he said handing me his lighter.

"No, thanks" I said, but the smell of it was irresistible.

"I know you want to come on" he said.

"No, Ryan." I said and he just laughed.

"Look at Miss. Bad Girl gone good. You've done drugs, and went through the worst." he said.

"That's the past. That was the time, I had my problems." i said and he laughed.

"I'm going to punch you if you don't shut up" I said to him.

"Okay okay" he said.

"So wasn't that loser singing your song?" he asked.

"Yea, my parents want me to make an album with my songs, should I?" I asked him.

"I would if I were you, but you don't have the guts to do it" he taunted.

"How much do you want to bet?" I asked.

"You are quiet and don't like to take risks" he said with a smirk.

"If I make an album you have to stop smoking" I said.

"Forever, nah" he said.

"Okay, six months" I said.

"Deal, Mrs. Whitesides" he said with a laugh and I shook his hand.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.
QOTC: do you like good or bad boys?

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