Chapter 41

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** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

"So who was your ex and how would you describe him?" he asked me as we both sat on the couch.

"His name is Ryan and he was your typical wanna be bad boy, you?" I responded.

"Yea, her name was Karen and she was a pretty cowgirl" he said with a chuckle. That girl better not show up in my life because i'm ready to get rid of her.

"Oh that's nice" I said to him.

"Don't worry, you're about a million times better than her" he said with a smile.

"Sure" I said.

"Dating the bad boys, huh?" he said with a wink.

"Well he's the only guy i've dated so yes" I said.

"So does this mean I have a friend thats a bad girl?" He asked.

"Sure, I guess" I said.

"Does that mean I have a Latin Southern friend? Who doesn't even look Latin" I asked.

"Pretty much" he said.

"Can we stop asking each other question and do something else?" I asked him.

"Well this is your house, you tell me what you want to do" he responded back. I was about to respond to him but my phone was ringing and it was a FaceTime call.

"Let me answer this" I said.

"Okay, tell me when your done, you need some privacy" he said standing up and walking to the kitchen.

I answered and Mahogany and Jacob appeared on the screen with smiles on there faces like always.

"Hey!" they both said to the screen while waving and I obviously waved back.

"How was MagCon?" I asked them.

"It wasn't the same without you!" Mahogany said and Jacob frowned.

"You poor things, I wasn't even there for more than two hours" I said and they laughed.

"How was the flight?" Mahogany asked.

"It was normal" I said but it honestly was the best flight i've ever had and the most fun and amazing one.

"And what about the guy?" Jacob asked. I really didn't want to say that he was a super amazing guy because Jacob would question him.

"He was nice and cool" I said.

"Did he do anything to you?" he asked unsure of what I'm saying.

"No, he was caring and he's a great guy" I said with a smile. I was going to say something else but I heard something break, something made out of glass.

"What was that?" Jacob asked.

"Oh nothing, you must be hearing things" I said with a laugh.

"Well are you okay? you seem worried, you can talk to us about anything" Mahogany said.

"I know, thank you. I'm just really tired" I said and it was kinda a lie, I wasn't super tired just a bit.

"Oh, we'll text you tomorrow so you can rest" Jacob said.

"Okay, thanks guys" i said to them.

"Okay, good night" they both said.

"Goodnight, love you guys" I said with a smile and hung up. I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen to find Jeremiah cleaning up the broken glass from the floor and it was a cup that he broke.

"Oh hey... I was going to bring you some orange juice and I dropped the cup" he said with a innocent smile.

"Its fine let me help you" I said getting down on my knees.

"No no, I made the mess, I clean it up" he said picking up the last bits of glass and throwing them away.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him.

"Not really are you?" he asked back.

"Nope, want to go sleep?" I asked him.

"Yea sure i'm tired" he said.

"Let's go to my room?" i asked him.

"Sure, want me to carry you?" he asked with his back facing me.

"Please" I said hoping onto his back and he held me with his hands and he started walking up to my room.

When he got to my room, he gently lowered me to my bed and he was careful with me.

"Thanks" i said laying down.

"Anytime" he said.

"So.. should I get in with you?" he asked with his hands behind his back.

"If you want, but yes" I said and hopped in.

"Well today was a good day" he said as he stretched on my bed. He wasn't naked or shirtless, he was wearing a plain white tank top and shorts.

"It was" I said even if it was just a plane ride home, it was still fun and great with him.

"Well goodnight beautiful" Jeremiah whispered and i'm pretty sure that he closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep.

"Goodnight Jeremiah" I whispered back. Can he just be my boyfriend now? Can he just ask me out?

"Do want me to hold you?" he asked. Seriously can he be mine now?

"Yea" I said and he wrapped his arms around me.

Moments later, I could hear his peaceful snores and he was asleep. I wonder if he likes me back because I know for sure that I've fallen in love with this guy.

Maybe at the moment, we're friends with benefits.

** Jacob's POV & Thoughts **

"Hey babe, don't you think Angie was acting a bit weird?" I asked her as I got in bed with her.

"I feel like she's hiding something from us" I said.

"I think she's in love with the guy that she met in the plane and went back home with" Mahogany said.

"Well I don't think she can be in love with a guy that she has only known for like two days. I don't think she should even talk to him." I said.

"Jacob! When we met, we both literally fell in love with each other within the first hour" she said to me and it was true. When I met Mahogany, she was beautiful and perfect for me.

"But that's different" I said and it was a dumb reason, but eh.

"Jacob, you know you're wrong!" she teased.

"Maybe" I admitted.

"If they do end up being official, then i'll be happy for her" she said.

"Well that's you, i'm not so sure" I said.

"Did you see her new Instagram picture its so cute, Jeremiah seems like a good guy" she said.

"whatever, come here" I said pulling her closer to my chest and she laid her head on me.

"I love you, goodnight" she said.

"I love you too beautiful" I said.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.
Country or City boys? [COUNTRY 😍]

PS; Jeremiah is 17 , he's not lying about his age.

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