Chapter 86

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** One Week Later **

** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

"You know that every night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you" he whispered into my ear.

"Must of been a few stars then" I said with a laugh.

"Trust me, I ran out of stars" he said.

"You're adorable" I said. We were currently just laying in his bed, cuddled up looking up at the ceiling.

"Only for you, my love" he said.

"I really don't know, how you were single before I met you" I said.

"I was looking for the perfect one and bam she's right in front of me" he said.

"Well, you're perfect for me" I said.

"One day we should go to Cuba and stay there for a vacation" he said.

"That'd be nice" I said.

"We can go to the beach and get burned up" he said.

"You're hella tan already" I said.

"I know I got, but its better than just staying in and its great getting the heat" he said.

"Other way around" I said.

"We should go hiking or maybe some fishin or even better go hunting" he said.

"Theres a problem with that honestly" I said.

"What?" he said.

"I don't like hunting or fishing" I said.

"Have you ever gone fishin or huntin?" he asked.

"Like once with Connor, but it was a horrible experience" I said remembering the day I went fishing with Connor and my parents.

"Why was it horrible?" he said.

"Well..." I said.

** Flashback **

"Angie, go with Connor and have fun while daddy and I go grab all the stuff from the truck" my mother said and I walked towards the lake where Connor was "professionally" fishing.

"Okay, so we got to put the wormies on pointy side" Connor said placing it on the hook of the fishing rod.

"Okay" I said watching the 'master'.

"Don't sass me, i'm eleven and you are seven" he said.

"Okay" I said.

"Now we have to get in water and fish!" he exclaimed.

"Oh yea, remember to take your shoes off when you get in the water" he said and we took off our shoes.

"Shouldn't we wait for daddy?" I asked him.

"No way! I know more than him" he shouted and walked into the water.

"Come on in" he said.

"No, I'm waiting for mom and dad" I said.

"Hold this" he said handing me his fishing rod.

"Chicken" he said flapping his arms like a chicken and making chicken sounds.

"Stop" I said.

"Don't sass me" he said.

"Alright, I'll go in" I said handing him his fishing rod.

"Bring the worms" he said and I grabbed the container with dirt and worms.

"So now you have to toss the stringy in the water" he said throwing the hook away from us.

"Now we wait" he said.

"Are you sure you're doing this right?" I asked him.

"Yes, I'm Connor Franta" he said and we waited for around five minutes.

"I have to go to the bathroom" he said handing me his fishing rod and grabbing me to get himself out of the water, and accidentally made me slip on the mud and I fell in the water with the worms falling on me.

"You're a muck monster!" Connor shouted with a laugh.

"Help me" I said trying to get up.

"I'll be back" he said running off.

** End of Flashback **

"That's actually quite hilarious" Jeremiah said with a laugh.

"Not for me" I said laughing with him.

"I assure you that won't happen when you're with me" he said.

"Anyways, how's your body feeling?" I asked him.

"It still aches but its gettin better" he said.

"Have you taken your pills and the treatment they gave you?" I asked him checking the pill bottle and it was empty.

"No, I was gonna go get more of the treatment" he said.

"Well, i'll go get it then okay?" I said to him.

"I'll come with you" he said.

"No, let me go. You need to rest" I said to him.

"I should go instead of you" he said getting up from his bed.

"Jeremiah, I'll go. Just rest and drink plenty of fluids" I said.

"Okay, fine" he said.

"Good, where's the papers so they know what to give me?" I said to him.

"Under that folder" he said and I got the papers and I headed into the bathroom to change out of his shorts. I got out and I had on jeans, a white tshirt and some flats.

"Let me walk you out then" he said standing up and we walked downstairs where Tate was just on his phone.

"I'm going to get your brother his treatment, so stay here with Jeremiah" I said to Tate.

"Alright" he said. Jeremiah walked me to his truck and handed me his keys and I turned on the truck.

"Drive safe okay, and I love you" he said kissing my check.

"I will, I love you too" I said and driving out of his driveway and waving goodbye. I drove to the closest pharmacy and I walked inside and handed the lady the paper and she gave me the pills that Jeremiah had to take. I thanked her and I walked back to the truck and decided to go to Whole Foods.

I walked inside Whole Foods and went to the area where they sold food that was cooked and ready to eat. I looked at the menu they had and I didn't know what to get. Pasta or sandwiches?

I decided to get both and left the store, and went back to Jeremiah's place. I drove and arrived at his house and walked back into his house.

"You arrived" Jeremiah said hugging me and I handed him the medicine.

"Yay, you arrived with food" Tate said taking the bags and walking into the kitchen.

"Let's eat before Tate eats it all" he said and we walked into the kitchen to eat.

"Tomorrow, let's go to my parents house" i said to them.

"Okay, sounds good to me" Jeremiah said.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.

QOTC: How are you all? Comment something that you love about yourself? 😊

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