Chapter 10

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** Jacob's POV & Thoughts **

"Guys! Angie and Mahogany should be here soon for dinner! Stop eating all the food" I said as I tried to stop Nash and Cameron from eating the grilled cheese and soup I had made for everyone.

I really didn't know what Angie liked or enjoyed to do, so I really hope she opens up to me.

Mahogany mentioned through text that Angie was opening up to her and I was happy for Mahogany but I really wish she opened up to me too.

"Guys, what do you guys think I should do to get Angie to like me? I really want to be a great parent and so far she seems to not trust me" I asked them

"I feel like you should give her some time, and she'll probably warm up to you, don't worry" Nash said to me and it really didn't make me feel better.

"I guess, do you guys think i'll be a good parent?" I asked nervously, wondering if I was ever going to be good enough for Angie.

"Yes man!" Shawn said.

"We're home!" my beautiful Mahogany shouted and came into the kitchen and I gave her a big kiss.

"I missed you" I said to her and she gave me a hug .

"I did too! Dinner smells great!" she cheered and I didn't see Angie.

"How was shopping babe? Where's Angie?" I questioned.

"It was fun, nothing to worry about. She just got her braces off and she's upstairs putting her clothes away, she'll be down in second" she answered.

"Alright" I said as I organized the table and soon Angie made it to table, again quiet as ever.

** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

As we were About to walk inside the house , Mahogany stopped and looked at me.

"Let's pretend that the little incident didn't happen at the mall, Jacob is over protective" she said and I nodded. I really didn't want to tell them either so it's all good.

"Dinners ready so leave your stuff upstairs and come back okay?" Mahogany said and I said yes.

I went upstairs to my room and quickly put all the shoes, clothes, accessories away. I was happy that Mahogany and I had a girls day, it might have been filled with a bit of drama, but it was the funnest day i've ever had with a girl.

Well, I guess I should say my mom, which is weird but Mahogany is awesome.

I went downstairs and saw everyone waiting and they greeted me and I just gave them a small smile.

I sat down and Jacob cooked grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup for dinner and it was actually very delicious. They all talked about the usual and it was like always interesting.

"So, I see you got your braces off" Cameron commented. I really wanted to say "No shit, Sherlock", but I just nodded my head.

"How was shopping girls?" Matt asked and I really was hoping that Mahogany would answer him because he was looking at me.

"It was great, very fun" Mahogany responded and that was a hundred percent true.

"Why don't you talk?" Cameron asked me. I was getting quite annoyed with these guys trying to get me to talk.

"Cause" I responded and they all looked at me like If they saw a ghost. It was actually quite hilarious and I couldn't help but smile.

"What you guys do while we were gone? Obviously not clean the house." Mahogany asked them.

"We pretty much played video games" Matt responded.

"I practiced and did some singing" Shawn responded also. I remember the time he was creeping on me and listening to me sing.

We all ate and finished our dinner and Mahogany, Jacob, and I stayed to clean up. We all put the dishes in the dishwasher and organized the things.

"Hey, Angie I was wondering if we could do something tomorrow so we could get to know each other better" Jacob asked awkwardly.

"Yea sure" I said back he nodded. We all kept on cleaning until we were finished.

Mahogany and Jacob walked me up to my room.

"Good night" they both said and gave me a hug. They left and I got changed into my pajamas, I brushed my teeth, washed my face and got into bed.

** Jacob's POV & Thoughts **

Mahogany and I said goodnight to Angie and we went off to our room. I was nervous for tomorrow because I wanted to make a good impression on Angie.

We arrived on our room and we did the usual; brushing our teeth, changing into our pajamas, etc.

We got into bed and I made Mahogany comfortable on my chest, like every night since we started becoming JOX.

"Babe, i'm nervous for tomorrow" I said and she chuckled.

"Don't worry babe, she'll like you. She was shy at first, but she became more comfortable and talked to me" Mahogany said.

"Alright, I hope nothing goes wrong tomorrow" I said to her.

"Don't worry, you're going to have grey hair before you know it" she said with a laugh.

"I love you so much" I said and kissed her.

"I love you too" she said back with a smile.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Sorry i'm not updating as much. i've had lots of homework. Hope you guys understand.

QOTC: Do you guys find it believable that Jacob and Mahogany are parents in this story? Like is this story believable or not(nah lol)

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