Chapter 50

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A/N: I'll be updating when I can instead of two specific days

** Angie's POV & Thoughts **

I woke up because I woke up. I grabbed my phone and checked the time and it was 9:22 and I had a text from Jeremiah saying: Good Morning Beautiful! I'm not a morning person, so i'm sending this right now before I fall asleep again and I'm probably sleeping at the moment. I love you 😊❤️

I smiled and texted back: Good morning to you too. I hope you slept well, love you 💕

I got up and grabbed my clothes from my closet and headed to the shower. I took a long warm bath and did the usual things I do in the shower.

I got out of the shower dried myself, did my make up, and put on my clothes:

Plain Black & White Mickey Mouse T-Shirt

White Ripped Shorts

Black Boots

Blue SnapBack

I blow dried my hair and left it naturally the way it was and I thought I looked good enough for myself and I checked the time and it was 9:57 and I checked my phone and I had a text from Jeremiah saying: i'll be picking you up around 10:30, see ya soon beautiful

I texted back saying: Alright, see you soon :)

I grabbed my phone and bag and headed downstairs to eat something before Jeremiah came to pick me up.

I went into the kitchen to find Matt cooking pancakes probably just for himself since he loves food.

"Hey Mrs. Born To Die Paradise Edition" Matt said as he grabbed some syrup.

"Well, Hey, Mr. Pancakes" I said back as I attempted to take one of his pancakes.

"Hey, these are mine!" he said taking it back. He literally had a huge stack of pancakes to himself.

"You're nice" I said grabbing a bagel and cream cheese.

"I know, okay I need lady advice!" he said sitting down at a table.

"Okay, don't tell me you skipped your period!" I said with a laugh.

"No! It's about Sophia" he said with a laugh.

"Okay, what's up?" I asked. I knew a little about Sophia, but I knew she was a friend of Matt's. That's all I knew.

"So, my friend Sophia lives in Florida and I absolutely like her, do you think she likes me?" he asked.

"Well, I don't know her" I said.

"Well am I likable?" he asked.

"Well, you're not my type but you're a great guy and always positive, so I'd say yea you are" I said since I would never in my life imagine myself dating Matt.

"Yay, thanks" he said giving me a hug.

"But you need to learn to share food" I said attempting to playfully take some of his food.

"Nice try" he said eating away.

"So where are you off to?" he asked.

"I'm off to see Jeremiah" I said and he nodded.

"So how's your friendship with Nash, Cameron, Shawn, and Jacob?" he asked. I guess I would consider Matt my best friend for now? I don't know, I don't have many friend.

"Well, right now I don't consider Cameron, Shawn, Nash my friends, but Jacob we're alright I guess" I said.

"I can't believe you jumped on top of Shawn, are you sure you're not Sharkiesha's sister?" he asked. Wait who the fuck is Sharkiesha?

"Who's Sharkiesha? and yea he pisses me off" I said.

"This crazy girl" he said showing me a video of a girl punching another girl right in the face. Ouch.

"You were like her sister last night" Matt said with a laugh.

"I wish I would of hit him harder" I said and Matt just started laughing his ass off.

I finished eating my bagel, and Matt finished his pancakes and we ate in silence. I cleaned up and so did he.

Moments later the three musketeers came down with my Jacob and Mahogany.

"Morning!" Mahogany said cheerfully. I don't see how shes so positive all the time.

"Morning" everyone responded back.

"What's up?" Jacob asked everyone.

"Well we just ate duh" Matt said and everyone laughed.

"Well, I got to go" I said when I felt my phone vibrate and I stood up.

"Jeremiah?" Mahogany said with a wink and I happily nodded.

"Here, i'll walk you out" Jacob said. Umm okay.

"Bye, Mahogany and Matt" I said and walked out with Jacob and Jeremiah had a smile on his face when he saw me.

"Okay, thanks bye Jacob" I said walking to the truck, hoping that he wouldn't say anything after.

"Hey, wait I want to talk to Jeremiah for a bit" he said behind me.

"My dad wants to talk to you" I said and Jeremiah nodded his head and walked toward Jacob.

** Jeremiah's POV & Thoughts **

"My dad wants to talk to you" Angie said to me and I nodded my head. What if he wants to kill me? Shoot, I didn't ask Angie if looked good today. I walked toward Jacob or Angie's dad.

"Hello, how you doin' today" I asked, great thing I didn't say sir because then I would of have made things more awkward than they already are.

"Thanks, you?" he asked back.

"I'm good today" I said back.

"So, I wanted to apologize about last night, I feel like I was a jerk to you and I hope we can get to know each other better soon" he said.

"It's all good man, I understand you care about Angie and it's all good" i said back.

"Thanks dude, I just felt really bad" he said back.

"It's all good, no worries" I said back hoping that me and him were all good.

"Thank you, I can tell Angie really likes you. She's been more open and happier because of you." He said back.

"I really like her too Jacob, I'm glad she's happy because she makes me happy" I said honestly.

"Mahogany and I adopted her so she can be happy and i'm glad you bring her happiness. I just hope you don't break her heart" he replied.

"No don't worry, I wouldn't ever imagine breaking her heart, I really like her" i said honestly because I really like Angie, and
I never imagines myself with such a amazing and beautiful girl.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.
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Who's your favorite O2L guy? [Connor❤️]

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