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Yume lay asleep on her bed, stuffed Pokémon lay scattered around the floor after falling off the bed last night. Then as her alarm turned to 8 O'clock it beeped a few times and started playing the radio news.

"Good morning everyone!" said the cheery voice "So! What kind of sky is above us today? Well it's summer! So I see bright, warm, sunny days up ahead!"

Yume grinned - her eyes still closed - and turned her alarm off, along with the radio. She jumped out of bed, beaming. "Todays the day!" she said to herself.

Yume opened her window, a fresh breeze blowing thru her pink and gold hair and her beautiful Luminous City shining before her in the morning sun. "Good morning Mrs. Amahane!" she called to her neighbor who lived in the apartment across the street.

"Good morning Yume," the kind lady replied

"Today's the day!"

"Already? Wow, you're getting so big aren't you?"

Yume nodded in reply and ran over to her closet, laughing. After getting dressed, Yume swung her pre-packed backpack onto her back and ran over to the kitchen. "Good morning, Mom! Good morning, Dad!" she said as she sat down.

"Good morning, Yume!" they replied in unison

"What's with the bag?" Mr. Nijino asked

"You're joking right?" she asked before taking a bite out of her cereal "I'm going to start my Pokémon journey today! I'm going to travel around the region all by myself and catch lots and lots of Pokémon too!"

"That was today?"


"You know I'm joking,"

"Do I, Dad?"

"Well I just can't tell you how proud I am for you!" said Mrs. Nijino "My little girl, a Pokémon trainer, I can't wait to see the great things you will do,"

"Thanks!" said Yume "And you bet I'm going to do some really great things!"

"Like ...?"

"That's ... going to be a surprise!" Yume told her parents "But you'll be proud!"

"Of course we'll be proud," said her mother

Yume looked at the clock. "Oh crud I'm going to be late!"

"Late?" repeated her father "Can't you pop in anytime?"

"No! I said I'd be there at 8:30 SHARP!" Yume jugged down her breakfast then started to dash out of the house.

"Hold on there speedy," said Mr. Nijino "You can wait long enough to say goodbye to the people who gave you life,"



Yume sighed then wrapped both her parents into a hug. "I love you guys!" Yume then started to dash away for real "Bye!"



Yume ran as fast as she could over to Professor Sycamore's lab. She knew where it was, she visited there hundreds of times since she was little. And she was going to go there and get the Pokémon of her dreams, Fennekin. She never forever that she was going to get Fennekin ... after a long proses of thinking about her possible options.

"Today is the -" before she could finish she suddenly tripped over something and tripped onto the sidewalk. "Ouch," Yume looked down at the object of her fall. It was a Chespin. "Hey you, aren't you going to apologize?"

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