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I have never been tagged before, wow. So I guess I must get to it.

So I have to answer all thirty questions you see up there but the first half is going back from Aikatsu to Aikatsu Stars but I'll just mix them together, cause why not?

(Also I'm feeling better, thanks for your get well soon messages)

First question: Aikatsu or Aikatsu Stars?

Aikatsu Stars all the way. It is what got me into this whole thing.

Second Question: Favorite Aikatsu/Aikatsu Stars character

Oh, um, that's a hard one. But I think Kira Kanata has my vote, I don't know why. I also just want to ad that Yurika sort of inspired the princely look with 24/7 vampire act.

Third Question: Least favorite Aikatsu/Aikatsu Stars character

You guys are going to hate me forever on this one, Mizuki. IKR Her music is awesome, I love her voice, but there's something about her that just ... UGH!!!!

Fourth Question: Favorite Character Design

Another hard one - um. I'd have to say ... Aria Futaba. I think her fairy like character matches her look perfectly and really shows what a wonderful idol she is.

Fifth Question: Least favorite character design

Yuri. It's just so annoyingly simple.

"Do something with your hair Yuri! That goes for you too Juli!!"

Sixth Question: Fav Coord

The Innocent Prince Coord.

Honestly, I would wear it. XD

Seventh Question: Least Fav Coord

The Magical Midnight Coord.

I just ... I can't even ... and how is it related to Cinderella!???!!!

Eighth Question: Fav Aikatsu/Aikatsu Stars Song

This is a really hard one. Well today I think it's Adult Mode or maybe Sweet Sp!ce but yesterday it was Music of Dream and Dream Balloon and I think tomorrow it will be Marina of August and Gothic Rock'n' Rose

Ninth Question: Least Fav Aikatsu/Aikatsu Stars Songs

Growing For a Dream.

... This one's for personal reasons.

Tenth Question: Favorite Unit

S4 26th

I heard them perform today, they were AWESOME!!!

Also M4!

Eleventh Question: Least Favorite Unit


12: Favorite Academy

Four Star

13: Least Fav Academy

Um ... none

14: Fav Minor Character 


15: Least Fav Minor character

Um ... nope don't have one

16-17: Favorite/Least Favorite S-4 member

... What?

18: Anime or Games?

Anime, I never played the games

19: Fav Star Wings

See Question Six

20: Least Fav Wings

NONE! They're all beautiful and amazing! Okay?

21-22: Episodes

I'll just answer both right now and get it over with.

I liked episode 51 of Aikatsu Stars and the valentines day episode of S1 in Aikatsu also holds a place in my heart ... somewhere.

As for least liked, um ... episode 63

That's it! I'm done. Oh wait, I have to tag five other people. Um ... I don't really want to. Can I do that? Can I just not tag people? No? Alright then.

Gabrielle Constantino


Erin Rosanna-Lynne


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