Parental Problems

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"It feels weird to be back," said Yume "Sort of like my journey is over, but it's not,"

"I know," said Subaru "Seeing our parents again doesn't change anything either,"

"I don't want to see my dad," said Kanata

"We'll be right here for you, Kanata!" said Yume as they reached Luminous Tower.

"Are you ready?" Subaru asked

"As I'll ever be," said Kanata. They took a step forward and the doors opened automatically. Yume looked at her friends, when she looked at Kanata she knew for a fact ... he was scared. She had never saw him like that, but he was.

The three walked down a dimly lit hall until they reached a second door. "Welcome trainers," said a computer voice "You have just entered the Luminous Gym. Please wait for the Gym Leader," They waited ten seconds before the doors opened and smoke started filling everywhere.

"Hello!" boomed a loud voice, the smoke started to clear. "Welcome to the Luminous Gym!" Everyone was shocked, the smoke had cleared to reveal ... a girl. "I'm the Luminous City Gym Leader, Rin Kurosawa!"

"Uh ... hello?" said Subaru "Sorry, but we were expecting ... someone else,"

"Oh you mean the last gym leader?" They all nodded "Well ... hey I know you!" she said to Kanata "I saw your picture in his old office!"

"M-my picture?" he echoed, in nodded

"Yeah! Was he your dad?"


"Well I'm really sorry," said Rin

"Why are you sorry?" Yume asked

"Didn't you hear? He went to jail,"


"So what do we do now?" Subaru asked as the three of them sat outside of the tower.

"I think we leave the option to Kanata," said Yume

"Well ... I'm going to see my dad," he said

"You are?" The two said in unison

"Yes. I want answers, and I want them from him. If he's behind bars then I don't have anything to worry about,"

"Do you want us to go with you?" Yume asked

"No. This is personal. I'm going to talk to my dad, I'll meet you guys here in ... three hours, how does that sound?"

"It sounds fine," said Subaru "But are you sure you want to go alone?" Kanata handed Subaru his poke balls.

"Positive," And with that, he left.

"So ... what do we do now?" Yume asked

Subaru shrugged. "Want to meet my dad? I'm 100% sure he's not in jail,"

"Sure, I guess,"


"You're his son?" Officer Jenn said when Kanata explained why he was at the station.

"Yes," he answered "Can I visit him?"

Officer Jenny grabbed a checkboard and flipped thru it's pages, then she looked at the clock. "Wait here for a minute,"


"So my apartment is just a few more blocks away from here," said Subaru as they reached a crosswalk. "I told Dad we'd be there in a few minutes but he said he might try to meet up with sooner so don't be surprised if you see him sooner then you think,"

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